SHOEMAKER, Sarah 1 2
May have married Samuel Studebaker on 12 Apr 1863 in Stephenson County [source: Illinois State Archives]. More research is needed. |
1 1850 US Census (Loran, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Shoemaker [sp. Shuemaker] (age 50, b. NJ), wife Elizabeth (age 49, b. IN) and children William (age 17, b. IN), Jane (age 17, b. IN), Margaret (age 14, b. IN) and Sarah (age 8, b. IL), living in Loran, Illinois. This is the only census found so far in which John and Elizabeth appear with their children. John is listed as a "farmer." Living two houses away is their daughter Eleanor Lowell and her family. Also living nearby is the family of Moses Grigsby, whose son, George, will marry the Shoemaker's daughter, Margaret. Living next to the Grigsby's is John's cousin, Calvin Curry, and his family. This record indicates that the Shoemaker's were living in Indiana between 1832-1841, and moved to Illinois by 1842.
2 1860 US Census (Fennimore, Grant County, Wisconsin). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Truman [spelled Trusman] Lowell (age 39, b. OH), wife Eleanor (age 33, b. IN) and children Chas. W. (age 14, b. IL), Mary E. (age 14, b. IL), John (age 12, b. IL), Sarah E. (age 9, b. IL), Milton (age 8, b. IL), Albert W. (age 6, b. WI) and Margaret L. (age 3, b. WI), living Fennimore, Wisconsin. Truman is listed as a "farmer." Also in the household are Eleanor's siblings, William Shoemaker (age 26, b. IL) and Sarah Shoemaker (age 18, b. IN).
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