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(1853-1900) |
PETHERICK, Naomi 2 3
- Born: Sep 1853, Devonshire, England
- Marriage: STEWART, Samuel on 15 Jun 1876 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada 1
- Died: 1900-1910, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan at age 47
Naomi married Samuel STEWART, son of Arthur STEWART and Mary McARTHUR, on 15 Jun 1876 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.1 (Samuel STEWART was born in Mar 1852 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada and died after 1930 in Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan.)
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Logan Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada). Surety: 4. Name: Samuel Stewart
Age: 23
Residence: Logan, Ont.
Place of Birth: Ontario
Marital Status: bachelor
Occupation: farmer
Parents: Arthur & Mary Stewart
Spouse Name: Naomi Pethwick
Age: 22
Residence: Listowel, Perth Co.
Place of Birth: England
Marital Status: spinster
Parents: John & Jane Pethwick
Witnesses: William Kay & Elizabeth Grey, Listand
Place of Marriage: Listowel
Date of Marriage: 15 Jun 1876
Groom's Religion: Presbyterian
Bride's Religion: Methodist
Married By: Rev. J.N. Bell
1900 US Census (District 214, Detroit Ward 12, Wayne County, Michigan). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Samuel Stewart (age 48, b. Mar 1852, Canada), wife Naomi [Pethwick] (age 46, b. Sep 1853, England) and children Arthur (age 22, b. Nov 1877, Canada), Charles A. (age 20, b. Jul 1880, MI), Francis L. (age 17, b. Sep 1882, MI), Margaret J. (age 15, b. Jul 1884, MI), Edna R. (age 11, b. Nov 1888, MI), Samuel E. (age 6, b. Jun 1893, MI) and Sarah N. (age 4, b. Jun 1895, MI), living in Detroit, Michigan. Samuel is listed as a "teamster," and indicates that both his parents were born in Ireland. Naomi indicates that both her parents were born in England. Arthur is listed as a "pressman." Charles is listed as a "clerk." Samuel Sr., Naomi and Arthur indicate that they immigrated to the U.S. in 1879 and are naturalized. Samuel and Naomi indicate that they have been married for 24 years, and have had 8 children, 7 of whom are still living.
1880 US Census (District 235, Richland, Montcalm County, Michigan). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Samuel Stewart (age 27, b. Canada), wife Naomi [Pethwick] (age 27, b. Canada [erroneous]) and children Arthur (age 2, b. Canada) and Charles (age 5 mos, b. Jan 1880, MI), living in Richland, Michigan. Samuel is listed as a "farmer," and indicates that both his parents were born in Ireland. Naomi indicates that both her parents were born in England. Living next door is Arthur Stewart (age 40, b. Ireland) and his family, whose relationship is still unclear.