(1771-1862) |
SHOEMAKER, Elias 1 2 3 4
I believe that Elias and his family were living in Franklin County, Indiana in 1820. Elias may have served in the War of 1812, as there is a record of Elias Shoemaker serving with the Ohio Militia, but it is unclear if this is the same man. He last appears at the age of 89, living with his daughter, Polly Murphy, and her family in Mound, Warren County, Indiana, and I believe he passed away there. ![]() Elias married Elizabeth Catherine COX on 2 May 1800 in Deleware County, Ohio. (Elizabeth Catherine COX was born in 1781 in Virginia and died in 1850-1860 in Mound, Warren County, Indiana.) |
War of 1812 Service Records (Ancestry.com), Roll Box: 188, Roll Exct: 602. Surety: 2. ELIAS SHOEMAKER, 2 Regiment (Zumalt's), Ohio Militia. Rank at induction: Private. Rank at discharge: Private.
. Need to confirm if this is Michael Shoemaker's brother, Elias.
2 1820 US Census (Bath, Franklin County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 3. Lists Elias Shoemaker (age >45, b. bef. 1775), wife (age 26-45, b. 1775-1794) and children 4 males (age <10, b. 1810-1820), 3 females (age <10, b. 1810-1820) and 1 female (age 10-20, b. 1800-1810), living in Bath, Indiana.
3 1860 US Census (Mound, Warren County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists George Murphy (age 58, b. OH), wife Polly [Shoemaker] (age 55, b. OH) and children Ross (age 24, b. IN), Lavine (age 23, b. IN), Ganoe (age 20, b. IN), Gideon (age 15, b. OH) and Samantha (age 10, b. OH), living in Mound, Indiana. Also in the household is Polly's father, Elias Shoemaker (age 89, b. MD). George is listed as a "farm laborer."
4 1850 US Census (Mound, Warren County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Elias Shoemaker (age 80, b. DE) and wife Elizabeth [Cox] (age 70, b. VA), living in Mound, Indiana. Elias is listed as a "farmer."
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