DAOUST, Joseph 1
Along with his wife, Visaline, sponsored the baptism of his nephew, son of his half-sister, Marie Dauxille Daoust Meilleur. ![]() Joseph married Vitaline SEGUIN, daughter of Hiacinthe SEGUIN and Theotiste JOANETTE, on 30 Jul 1860 in Ste. Marthe DE Vaudreuil, Quebec. (Vitaline SEGUIN was born on 11 Aug 1844 in Deux Montagnes County, Quebec, Canada and died after 1901 in prob. Wright County, Quebec, Canada.) |
Baptism Record (St. Andre-Avellin, Quebec, Canada). Surety: 4. En cette paroisse, le 8 Jenvier 1875 a été baptisé Jos. Yvon né le mine [?] jour fils Sig. de Levis Meilleur et de Auxilda Daoust. Parrains: Joseph Daoust et Visaline Seguin.
(Signé) J.P. Bélanger
Certifié conforme,
Hector Jelle [sp?]
Le 11-9-40
[Transcribed from original document]
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