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DAOUST, Joseph 1
- Born: 1841, St. Ignace, Vaudreuil County, Quebec, Canada
1851 Census of Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia (St. Clet, Vaudreuil County, Quebec, Canada). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Joseph Daoust (age 39, b. Polycarp, PQ), wife Marie Menard (age 30, b. Soulanges, PQ) and children Justine (age 11, b. St. Ignace, PQ), Joseph (age 10, b. St. Ignace, PQ), Matilde (age 8, b. St. Ignace, PQ), Antoine (age 6, b. St. Ignace, PQ) and Gilbert (age 6 mos, b. St. Clet), living in St. Clet, Quebec. Joseph is listed as a "cultivateur."