(Abt 1580-Abt 1644) |
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Witter, Harold John, The Descendants of William Witter and Hannah Churchman of Lynn, Massachusetts (1991. Gateway Press, Inc: Baltimore.), p. 3. Surety: 4. In 1644, WILLIAM WITTER, the executor, presented the will of HUGH CHURCHMAN to the Salem Court. The will dated 4th, 4th month, 1640 was witnessed by Zachariah Gould. The will states: I, HUGH CHURCHMAN of Lynn do make this my will. First, I give my house and lot in Lynn with all my marsh and all other the appurtenances thereunto to Wilyam Winter ( William Witter ] till his son JOSIAS shall attain the age of twenty-one years and then to his son JOSIAS and his heirs forever: with this condition that he shall pay to his sister HANNAH ten pounds within one whole year after the aforesaid JOSIAH WITTER shall attain the age of twenty-one years and if he shall refuse to pay his sister HANNAH WITTER ten pounds of the current money then my will is that HANNAH WITTER shall have the house and lot with all and singular the appurtenances to her heirs forever and she shall pay to her brother JOSIAH ten pounds: and my will is that if the aforesaid JOSIAH WITTER shall die before he shall attain the age of twenty and one years that then the aforesaid HANNAH shall have it without paying anything out of it: and my will is further that if the aforesaid JOSIAH and HANNAH shall both die before that they shall attain the age of twenty one years that then WILLIAM WITTER or his now wife or the longer liver of them shall have it to them and their heirs forever. The rest of my goods or chattels un bequeathed to WILLIAM WITTER whom I do make sole executor to this my will. The inventory of his estate was taken 4th day, 6th month, 1644 amounting to 24 pounds 19s 1ld. The will was presented the 5th month in 1644.
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