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KEITH, Bertha 1 2
- Born: 19 Mar 1884, Davis, Stephenson County, Illinois
General Notes:
On the 1900 US Census, Bertha appears in the household of her parents, and also in the household of her aunt Nellie Mack, where she was working as a "servant."
1900 US Census (District 98, Harlem, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists James Keith (age 48, b. Mar 1852, NY), wife Lillian [Crary] (age 42, b. Apr 1858, OH), and children Herbert (age 21, b. Jun 1878, IL), Randall (age 18, b. Sep 1881, IL), Bertha (age 16, b. Mar 1884, IL), Walter (age 14, b. Apr 1886, IL), James (age 8, b. Mar 1892, IL), Howard (age 6, b. Nov 1894, IL) and Lillian (age 1, b. Jul 1898, IL), living in Harlem, Illinois. On this census, James indicates that he and both of his parents were born in New York. James is listed as a "station engineer." Sons Herbert and Randall are both listed as "machinists." James and Lillian indicate that they have been married for 23 years, and have had 8 children, all living.
1900 US Census (District 97, Florence, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Walter Mack [as W.D. Mack] (age 44), wife Nellie (age 31), and children Warnen (age 13) [Walter's son from a previous marriage?], Grace (age 6) and Homer (age 1), living in Florence, Illinois. Also in the household is "servant" Bertha Keith (age 16, b. IL), who is Nellie's niece (by her sister, Lillian Keith). Walter is listed as a "farmer." Walter indicates that he was born in Illinois, his father in New Hampshire and his mother in Kentucky.