FITCH, Olive Viola
(Abt 1860-After 1930) |
FITCH, Olive Viola 1 2 3 4 5 6
Census records indicate that Olive was married briefly between 1910 and 1920, then divorced. There is no record of children from this marriage. |
1 1870 US Census (Little Lake, Mendocino County, California). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists William Fitch (age 50, b. OH), wife Julia [Manchester] (age 37 [erroneous, should be 47], b. MO) and children Walter S. (age 12, b. WI), Olive V. (age 10, b. WI) and Zala E. (age 8, b. IL), living in Little Lake, California. William is listed as a "stock raiser." Living next door is Julia's brother, John Manchester, and his family.
2 1880 US Census (District 43, Merced, Merced County, California). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists William Fitch (age 62, b. OH), wife Julia [Manchester] (age 53, b. MO) and children Walter S. (age 22, b. WI), Olive J. (age 19, b. WI) and Zala A. (age 17, b. IL), living in Merced, California. William is listed as a "milkman," and indicates that both his parents were born in Ohio. Julia indicates that both her parents were born in New York.
3 1900 US Census (District 89, San Francisco, San Francisco County, California). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Walter Fitch (age 38, b. Jun 1861, WI), sister Olive V. (age 35, b. Oct 1865, WI) and brother Zala E. (age 33, b. Oct 1866, IL), living in San Francisco, California. Walter is listed as a "carriage maker." Olive is listed as a "stenographer." Zala is listed as a "pressman, printer." The birth years and ages given on this record do not correspond with earlier census records.
4 1910 US Census (District 235, San Francisco Assembly District 39, San Francisco County, California). Surety: 4. Lists Zala Fitch (age 41, b. IL), sister [Olive] Viola (age 36, b. CA [erroneous]) and brother Walter (age 46, b. WI), living in San Francisco, California. Zala is listed as a "printer, manufacturing house." Viola is listed as a "stenographer, machinery." Walter is listed as a "painter, carriage." Viola is listed as divorced.
5 1920 US Census (District 343, San Francisco Assembly District 27, San Francisco County, California). Surety: 4. Lists Zala Fitch (age 50, b. U.S.), brother Walter (age 55, b. U.S.) and sister Olive (age 51, b. U.S.), living in San Francisco, California. Zala is listed as a "printer." Walter is listed as a "printer, box factory." All three indicate that their father was born in Ohio and their mother in Missouri. It is unclear why no birth place is listed for them.
6 1930 US Census, District 186, San Francisco (Districts 1-250), San Francisco County, California. Surety: 4. Lists Zala F. Fitch (age 68, b. IL) and sister Olive V. (age 68, b. WI), living in San Francisco, California. Both indicate that their father was born in Ohio and their mother in Missouri. No occupation is listed for either.
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