(1883-1950) |
GUENTHER, Adoph 1 2
Birth & death dates provided by family descendant. ![]() Adoph married Cora HOLROYD, daughter of Jerome B. HOLROYD and Clarisa E. MARBLE, on 5 Sep 1907 in Pickrell, Gage County, Nebraska. (Cora HOLROYD was born in Dec 1890 in Nebraska, died on 29 Oct 1979 in Houston, Harris County, Texas and was buried in 1979 in Bayview Cemetery, Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida.) |
1 1910 US Census (District 57, Holt, Gage County, Nebraska). Surety: 4. Lists Adolph [misspelled by census-taker as Adoflph] Guenther [misspelled by census-taker as Gunther] (age 25, b. NE) and wife Cora M. [Holroyd] (age 20, b. NE), living in Holt, Nebraska. Also in the household is Adolph's brother, Louie W. Guenther (age 23, b. NE). Adolph is listed as a "farmer, general farm," and indicates that both his parents were born in Germany. Cora indicates that her father was born in Illinois and her mother in Wisconsin. The couple indicate that they have been married for 3 years, and have had 1 child, none living. Louie is listed as a "farm laborer."
World War I Draft Records (Gage County, Nebraska). Surety: 4. Adolph Guenther
Address: Pickerel, Gage Co., Nebraska
Age: 34
DOB: 22 Dec 1883
Occupation: farming
Employer: myself
Nearest Relative: Cora Guenther, Pickerel [spouse]
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