(Abt 1838-) |
UNKNOWN, Dolly 1
![]() Dolly married Daniel CORNELL, son of Henry CORNELL and Selena UNKNOWN, about 1857 in Chemung County, New York. (Daniel CORNELL was born in 1833 in New York.) |
1 1860 US Census (Chemung, Chemung County, New York). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Henry Cornell (age 74, b. NY), wife Hannah [Unknown] (age 67, b. NY) and children Daniel (age 26, b. NY), Daniel's wife, Dolly [Unknown] (age 22, b. NY), and their son, William L. Cornell (age 1, b. NY), living in Chemung, New York. Henry is listed as a "farmer." Living nearby is son, Stephen Cornell, and his family.
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