READE, Margaret Elizabeth 2 3 4
![]() Margaret married John LAKE, son of John LAKE and Elizabeth SANDELL, about 1616 in North Benfleet, Essex, England.1 (John LAKE was born about 1590 in Essex County, England, christened on 26 Sep 1590 in North Benfleet, Essex, England and died about Jan 1662 in North Benfleet, Essex, England.) |
1, U.S. & International Marriage Records, 1560 - 1900 (Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.
). Surety: 4. Name: John Lake
Gender: male
Spouse Name: Margaret Reade
Spouse Birth Place: MA
Spouse Birth Year: 1598
Number Pages: 36
Savage, James, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Before 1692 (Online version, Nov 2000). Surety: 4. Of Mrs. Margaret L. at New London 1646, and many yrs. aft. at Ipswich [see Geneal. Reg. Vl. 165], much hard labor has been expend. by Miss Caulkins to learn her derivat. and m. but in vain. She d. says Felt, 1672, leav. two ds. Hannah, w. of John Gallop; and Martha, w. of Thomas Harris.
Will of Margaret [Reade] Lake (Text copied from book: CRARY FAMILY RECORDS, compiled from various sources, Charles J. Crary. Palo Alto, CA: 1956.) Surety: 4. In the name of God, Amen: I MARGARET LAKE of Ipswich, in America, in the shire of Essex, widow, being weak of body yet of good and perfect memory and understanding praysed be to God, doe dispose of that little estate God hath lent me as follows:
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my daughter, HANNAH GALLUP, and her children, all my land of New London, also my best gowne and my red cloth petty coat, and my enamiled ring; and after her decease, my will is that my grand-daughter, HANNAH GALLOP, shall have the said ring. Also I give unto my grand-daughter, HANNAH GALLUP, a pair of sheetes, and one of my best pewter platters, and one of the next.
Item - I give unto my daughter, MARTHA HARRIS, my tapestry coverlet and all my other apparell, which are not disposed to others pticulerly, and I give unto her my mantle, and after her decease to all her children, as their need is; also the coverlet of tapestry after my daughter MARTHA's decease, I give to my grandson THOMAS HARRIS and he dying without issue to his brother JOHN, and so to the rest of the children; also I give to my daughter MARTHA my gold ring, and my will is that after her decease my granddaughter MARTHA HARRIS shall have it.
Item - I give unto my granddaughter MARTHA HARRIS, my bed and bedstead and one boulster, two blankets, two pillows and one coverlett.
Item - I give to my granddaughter ELIZABETH HARRIS, one heifer at my cousin Eppses. [referring to the family of her sister, Martha Reade Eppes]
Item - I give to my granddaughter MARGARET HARRIS my covered box and one damaske tablecloth and six damaske napkins.
Item - My will is that all my bras and pewter with the rest of my household stuffs undisposed, be equally disposed and divided amongst my daughter HARRISSES children.
Item - I give and bequeath unto my sonne THOMAS HARRIS, all the rest of my estate viz; my part of the vessell and all my debts, & c, onely my Byble excepted, which I give to my grandsonne JOHN HARRIS, and a paire of fringed gloves.
And appoint my son THOMAS HARRIS, and my daughter MARTHA HARRIS, to bee my executor and executrix of this last Will and Testament, this thirteenth day of August in the yeere of grace sixteen hundred and seventy tooe - 1672.
............................ MARGARET [x] LAKE.
............................................. hir marke.
These being witnesses:
Thomas Knowlton, Sen.
James Chute.
At the court held at Ipswich the 24th of September, 1672, THOMAS KNOWLTON testified upon oath that this is the last will and testament of Mrs. MARGARET LAKE to the best of his knowledge.
............................................................................. ROBERT LORD, Clerk.
JAMES CHUTE testified ditto, 31st March 1674.
From Mrs. LAKE's Inventory, December the 24th 1672. "Item - All the land which is mentioned in the will at New London or neare there unto, which the said Mrs. LAKE gave her daughter GALLOP before she made her will." Balance of items are similar to those mentioned in the will of Mrs. LAKE.
Gallup, John D., The Genealogical History of the Gallup Family in the United States; also Biographical Sketches of Members of the Family (Press of the Hartford Printing Company: Hartford, CT. 1893), p. 23. Surety: 3. Mrs. Hannah (Lake) Gallup, came to this country with her mother, in the ship Abigail, arriving October 6, 1635, after a passage of ten weeks.
Mrs. Margaret Lake, with her daughters Hannah and Martha, accompanied her sister Elizabeth (Read) Winthrop, the new wife of Gov. John Winthrop, Jr., who returned to America in this ship with commissions from Lord's Say, Brook, and others. She left a son in England who never came to America.
As this was the first marriage in the male line of the emigrant ancestors, of the Gallop family, which took place in this country, and the commencement of the American line of descent, the lineage of his wife is here given:
Ancestry of Hannah (Lake) Gallop:
John Lake, the father of Hannah (Lake) Gallop descended from the Lakes of Normanton, Yorkshire, who claimed descent through the Cailleys, from the Albinis, Earls of Arundel and Sussex, from the Counts of Louvaine, (the right line of Charlemagne) and from William the Conqueror.
Margaret (Read) Lake, mother of Hannah (Lake) Gallop, born in England, was the daughter of Edmund Read of Wickford, Essex County. Margaret (Read) Lake of Wickford, died in Ipswich, Mass., 1672.
The youngest sister of Margaret Lake, was the second wife of Gov. John Winthrop, Jr., and the mother of all his children.
Martha Epps, her eldest sister (widow) married for her second husband Deputy Governor Samuel Symonds, of Ipswich, Mass.
Thomas Read, the brother who came to this country and settled at Salem, Mass., where he was an ensign, returned to England, and entered Cromwell's army, was made a colonel, and assisted General Monk in the restoration of Charles II., was placed in command of Sterling Castle.
Martha, the second daughter of Margaret Lake, married Thomas Harris of Ipswich, Mass., November 15, 1647.
John Lake, the husband of Margaret, never came to this country, died in England.
Margaret Lake died in Ipswich, Mass., 1672.
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