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HENDRY, Franklin 1 2 3
- Born: 1833, Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio
- Marriage: ELLIOT, Emily on 10 Dec 1861 in Prob. Ohio
Franklin married Emily ELLIOT on 10 Dec 1861 in Prob. Ohio. (Emily ELLIOT was born about 1835 in Prob. Ohio.)
1850 US Census (Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Samuel Hendry (age 55, b. NY), wife Stella A.[Crary] (age 54, b. MA), and children Mary (age 28, b. OH), Edwin (age 26, b. OH), Franklin (age 17, b. OH), Hiram (age 14, b. OH) and Stella A. (age 12, b. OH), living in Ashtabula, Ohio. Samuel is listed as an "attorney." Franklin is listed as a "teamster." Hiram is listed as a "printer." Living next door is their son, Albert Hendry, and his family. In Albert's household is Georgianna Crary (age 18, b. KY), who is the daughter of Stella's brother, Oliver Augustus Crary. Notation is made on this census that son, Edwin, is "idotic."
1860 US Census (Oberlin, Lorain County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Samuel Hendry (age 65, b. NY), wife Stella A. [Crary] (age 64, b. MA) and children Mary Cadwell Hendry (age 38, b. OH), Edwin (age 37, b. OH), Franklin (age 28, b. OH), Hiram (age 25, b. OH), Stella A. (age 24, b. OH) and Samuel Hendry (age 7, b. WI) [prob. grandson, son of Mary], living in Oberlin, Ohio. Samuel Sr. is listed as "mayor of Oberlin." Franklin is listed as a "jeweler." Hiram is listed as "patent medicines."
1840 US Census (Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4