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HENDRY, Albert 1 2 3 4
- Born: 1819, Harpersfield, Ashtabula County, Ohio
- Marriage: Unknown
1850 US Census (Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Albert Hendry (age 30, b. OH), widower, and children Frederick S. (age 2, b. OH) and John R. (age 3 mos, b. Jul 1850, OH), living in Ashtabula, Ohio. No wife is listed, and it is presumed that she is deceased [possibly in childbirth]. Also in the household are Deborah E. Willis (age 21, b. NY), whose relationship, if any, is unclear, and Georgianna Crary (age 18, b. KY), who is the niece of Albert's mother (by her brother, Oliver Augustus Crary). Living next door are Albert's parents, Samuel and Stella [Crary] Hendry. Albert is listed as a "trader."
1840 US Census (Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 3
1830 US Census (Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists S. [Samuel] Hendry (age 30-39, b. 1790-1799), wife [Estelle Crary] (age 30-39, b. 1790-1799) and children: 1 son (age 10-14, b. 1815-1819) [Albert], 2 sons (age 5-9, b. 1820-1824) [Unknown son and Edwin], 1 daughter (age 15-19, b. 1810-1814) [Unknown daughter] and 1 daughter (age 5-9, b. 1820-1824) [Mary], living in Jefferson, Ohio.
1820 US Census (Harpersfield, Ashtabula County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Samuel Hendry (age 16-26, b. 1793-1803), wife [Estelle Crary] (age 16-26, b. 1793-1803) and children: 1 son (age <10, b. 1810-1819) [Albert], living in Harpersfield, Ohio. The census indicates that Samuel is "engaged in commerce."