(Abt 1808-) |
UNKNOWN, Lydia 1
![]() Lydia married Enoch YOUNT, son of Abraham YOUNT and Elizabeth MEIER, about 1820 in Pennsylvania. (Enoch YOUNT was born on 13 Aug 1807 in Lehigh, Pennsylvania and died on 1 Aug 1864 in Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois.) |
1 1850 US Census (Hanover, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Enoch Yount (age 42), wife Lydia (age 41) and children Abraham (age 16) and Mary Jane (age 4), living in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Also in the household is daughter Margareth Gonz (age 20, b. PA), who may be widowed, who is listed as "insane," Enoch's father, Abraham Yount (age 71), and "laborers" Adam Klinger (age 49, B. Germany) and Franklin Reinhard (age 21, b. PA). Living nearby is George W. Andre (step-son of Enoch's sister, Matilda) and his family.
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