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MORGAN, Lisle 1 2 3
- Born: Sep 1881, East River, Page County, Iowa
- Marriage: SMITH, Unknown about 1903 in Page County, Iowa
Lisle married Unknown SMITH about 1903 in Page County, Iowa. (Unknown SMITH was born about 1880 and died before 1920.)
1900 US Census (District 85, East River, Page County, Iowa). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Spencer Morgan [spelled S.D] (age 56, b. IL), wife Pluma (age 49, b. IL), and children Maude (age 25, b. IA), Roy (age 23, b. IA), Roy's wife, Bertha (age 23, b. OH), Sisle (age 18, b. IA), Eva (age 15, b. IA) and Lorena (age 10, b. IA), living in East River, Iowa. Also in the household is Spencer's mother, Elizabeth [Shoemaker] Morgan (age 84, b. OH). Spencer is listed as a "farmer." Roy is also listed as a "farmer." Sisle is listed as a "school teacher." The record indicates that Roy and Bertha have no children at this time, Spencer and Pluma have had 8 children, 6 of which are living, and Elizabeth has had 7 children, 4 of which are living. Spencer indicates that both his parents were born in Ohio. Pluma indicates that her father was born in Massachusetts and her mother in New Hampshire. Elizabeth indicates that her parents were both born in New York [info probably provided by son or daughter-in-law, as this is incorrect]. Bertha indicates that both her parents were born in Ohio.
1920 US Census (District 97, Amity, Page County, Iowa). Surety: 4. Lists Lisle [Morgan] Smith (age 38, b. IA), widowed, and her children Leland (age 16, b. IA), Neil (age 12, b. IA), and Lorene (age 10, b. IA), living in Amity, Iowa. Also in the household are Lisle's parents, Spencer D. Morgan (age 76, b. IL) and Pluma Morgan (age 64, b. IL). Lisle is listed as a "farmer."
1930 US Census, District 1273, Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. Surety: 4. Lists Lisle Smith (widow, age 50, b. IA), and her children Neal (age 23, b. IA) and Lorene [spelled Lolen] (age 21, b. IA), living in Pasadena, California.