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DAYTON, Lucy 1 2 3
- Born: Abt 1731, Salem County, New Jersey
- Marriage: LONG, David by 1770 in Cumberland County, New Jersey
Lucy married David LONG, son of Peter LONG and Grace UNKNOWN, by 1770 in Cumberland County, New Jersey. (David LONG was born about 1723 in New Jersey and died on 14 May 1769 in Cumberland, Cumberland County, New Jersey.)
New Jersey Colonial Documents, Calendar of Wills 1751-1760 (New Jersey). Surety: 4. 1769, May 14. Long, David, of Cumberland Co.; will of. My wife, Lucy, may sell my real and moveable estate, and I give her 1/2 of my estate, and the other 1/2 to son, Peter, when 21. Executrix - my wife; and uncle, Thomas Sayrs, to be assistant to her. Witnesses - Elijah Bowen, Jr., Daniel Bowen, Ruth Langlee. Proved Dec. 8 1769.
1769, Dec 6. Inventory, 201.12.5 [Crowns], made by John Wheaton and Ephraim Mills.
Lib. 14, p. 168.
New Jersey Calendar of Wills, 1670-1760. Surety: 4. Page: 138
Name: Peter Dayton
Date: 03 Nov 1744
Location: Cohansey, Salem Co. yeoman; will of. Wife, Hannah. All lands to daughter, Lusey Dayton, at 18 or marriage, but in case of her death under age, or without an heir, my cousin David Dayton to possess the lands. "My mother, if she lives, to have the bringing up of my daughter." Executor--Jonathan Platts. Witnesses--John Pagett, William Daniel, Thomas Pagett. Proved 8 Dec., 1744. Lib. 5, p. 98. 1744, Dec. 5. Inventory, £156.15.1; made by Richard Butcher, Thomas Pagett.
New Jersey Colonial Documents, Calendar of Wills 1751-1760 (New Jersey). Surety: 4. 1762, May 27. Long, Ansell, of Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Brother, David Long, to be Guardian of my three sons, Jonathon, Constantine and Uriah. Lands may be sold for the benefit of my sons. Executors - my said brother and my cousin, Joseph Paullin. Witnesses - Andrew Long, Alexander Randall, Silas Randall. Proved June 22, 1762.
1762, June 21. Inventory, 146.15.10 [Crowns], made by Abraham Long and Andrew Long.
1770, April 18. Account of Lucy Long, Executrix of David Long (who was one of the Executors of Ansel Long), and Joseph Paullin.
Lib. 11, p. 265
Lib. 15, p. 15