![]() HARCOURT, Michael (1819-1872) |
HARCOURT, Michael 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Married to two Weir sisters, Ellen and Elizabeth. Michael was born in Perth, Scotland, where his father was serving in the British army [source: Peter Harcourt]. ![]() Michael married Ellen WEIR on 28 Nov 1843 in Ontario, Canada. (Ellen WEIR was born in 1822 in Ireland, died on 23 Oct 1862 in York, Seneca Twsp, Haldimand County, Ontario, Canada and was buried in Oct 1862 in Church of St. John, York Angelican Cemetery, York County, Ontario, Canada.) ![]() Michael next married Elizabeth WEIR about 1865 in Haldimand County, Ontario, Canada. (Elizabeth WEIR was born about 1820 in Ireland.) |
1871 Canadian Census (Seneca, Haldimand County, Ontario, Canada). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Name: Michael Harcourt
Age: 52
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1819
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Scotland
Residence District: Haldimand
Residence Location: Seneca
Ethnic Origin: Irish
Religion: Church of England, Anglican
Division: 2
Microfilm Roll: C-9917
Page: 21
Head of Household Comment: This person is listed as a head of household.
Ontario Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 (York, York County, Ontario; 1932). Surety: 4. Harcourt, Frederick W.
Address: 179 Poplar Plains Rd, York, Ontario
Racial Origin: Scotch
Marital Status: Married
Birthplace: Canada
Date of Birth: not given
Date of Death: 3 May 1932
Age: 77
Cause of Death: generalized arteriosclerosis/gangrene rt leg
Occupation of Deceased: Barrister at Law
Name of Father: Michael Harcourt
Father's Place of Birth: Scotland
Name of Mother: Ellen Weir
Mother's Place of Birth: Scotland [erroneous]
Name of Informant: R.M. Harcourt, son
Date of Burial: 5 May 1932
Place of Burial: Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Name of Undertaker: Arthur W. Miles
Ontario Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 (Welland, Welland County, Ontario; 1932). Surety: 4. Harcourt, Richard
Racial Origin: Irish
Marital Status: Widowed
Birthplace: Ontario, Canada
Date of Birth: 17 Mar 1849
Date of Death: 29 Nov 1932
Age: 83
Cause of Death: cerebral hemmorage/arteriosclerosis
Occupation of Deceased: Barrister
Name of Father: Michael Harcourt
Father's Place of Birth: Ireland
Name of Mother: Ellen Weir
Mother's Place of Birth: not given
Name of Informant: W. Harcourt of Welland, son
Date of Burial: 30 Nov 1932
Place of Burial: Grimsby, Ontario
Name of Undertaker: G.F. Sutherland
Ontario Canada Births, 1869-1907 (Halimand County, Ontario, Canada: 1870). Surety: 4. Harcourt, George Augustus
Date of Birth: 21 Jun 1870
Father's Name: Michael Harcourt
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Weir
Father's Occupation: Gentleman
Signature, description & residence of informant: Michael Harcourt, gentleman, York
When registered: 29 Aug 1870
Name of Accoucheur: Dr. Davis
Division: Seneca
County: Haldimand
Haldimand County Marriages (Rootsweb: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/hald94.htm). Surety: 4. 4621-94 (Haldimand Co): John HARCOURT, 38, physician, York Ont., Bismarck N. Dakota, s/o Michael & A--?, married E.J. DAVID, 31, York, Cayuga, d/o Adain (Adam?) A. & M--?, witn: James L. HARCOURT of Montreal & Annie DAVIS of N. Cayuga, 20 June [1894] at North Cayuga.
Toronto County Marriages (Rootsweb: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/tor02.htm). Surety: 4. #001347-02 (Toronto): George Augustus HARCOURT, 31, barrister, Canada, Sault Ste. Marie, s/o Michael & Ellen, married Agnes Lucy KEMP, 30, Toronto, same, d/o John C. & Sarah, witn: John C. & Leta? KEMP, 11 Feb 1902.
Harcourt, Michael, Michael Harcourt Letter (23 Feb 1859). Surety: 3. “House of Assembly, Wednesday Afternoon, Feb 23rd 1859, Dear Ellen, I sent you a hurried note the other day, stating that I might not go home on Saturday unless that something were wrong there. I now think that I will not go & you need not send John to Hamilton to meet me. You will have time enough to write me if you want me home & if anything be wrong & I will go, but you must write at once when this reaches you, & should you write me to go home then you must send John to meet me. I am quite well, but have a great many letters to answer, & other writing to do which I cannot get time to do till Saturday, this will keep me busy during that day. I hope that yourself & the children are quite well. I have been expecting a letter every day, but received none since I left last time. Mark, Robert write often. I would like to hear from you two or three times a week at least. I suppose the boys are attending school & I hope conducting themselves [nobly] & well. I know Freddy is a good boy. Has John finished his “sequel”? Last Sunday was cold & boisterous, but since that day the weather has been the finest & even fair in February, warm enough to go without an overcoat. Yours ever, Michael.”
Harcourt, Michael, Michael Harcourt Letter (4 Apr 1859). Surety: 4. “Toronto Monday, Apl 4th 1859, Dear Elen, I received this moment, letters from Robert, William & Richard respectively from all of which I am grieved to learn that you are no better than when I left. Dr Davis expected that a few days would set you alright, but it would seem he was mistaken. If Doctor Davis cannot help you, you had better send for Dr [McLeargard] for it is too bad that you should remain in as miserable condition as you were in when I left. I hope however that this will find you better. I was pleased to hear from William & Richard but haven’t time to answer their letters. I will try and get the book that William wants before I go home next. Let Robert write every day telling me how you are in health, if nothing else. I have the ”[.]”. Why does Robert put postage stamps on it? There is no necessity for doing so. It would come free. I will look for a letter daily. Yours as ever. Michael.”
Harcourt, Michael, Michael Harcourt Letter (18 Apr 1859). Surety: 4. “House of Assembly, Monday morning, Apl 18th 1859, Dear Elen, from letters received during last week from Robert and Dr Davis, I am pleased to learn that you are now quite better, if not wholly recovered. I hope you will be careful and not allow yourself to fall with a relapse, altho’ it might be in a mitigated form. I am quite tired of being here and most anxious to get home. The House will continue to sit into the first week of May, & will only adjourn over Good Friday, that day being a statutory holiday. I mean to leave here on Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock & will be in Hamilton about 6 o’clock. Let John meet me at Beatty’s & have his horse fed & ready to start the moment I get up. If the roads are good he can take the Buggy. If bad he had better get a light wagon & take two horses. We can be home between 9&10 o’clock at night. I must return here on Monday morning. Tell Freddy that Pa’ will be home on Thursday night. Yours as ever. Michael.”
Harcourt, Michael, Michael Harcourt Letter (19 Mar 1861). Surety: 4. Letter lost - Envelope addressed to Michael's brother, John Harcourt.
Ontario Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 (Haldimand County, Ontario; 1872). Surety: 4. Michael Harcourt, died 23 Jul 1872 in Haldimand, Ontario, age 52.
Profession: Gentleman
Place Born: Perth, Scotland
Cause of Death: Malignant disease of the [illegible], 2 years
Informant: Richard Harcourt [son], school superintendent, York
When Registered: 22 October 1872
Religious Denomination: Church of England
Signature of Registrar: Andrew Williamson, Jr.
Division: Seneca
County: Haldimand
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