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(1867-1945) |
DANIELS, Aaron 1 2 3
- Born: 23 Dec 1867, Canton, Fulton County, Illinois
- Marriage: WHEELER, Menona Bell on 14 Aug 1892
- Died: 15 Oct 1945, Brown County, Illinois at age 77
Aaron married Menona Bell WHEELER, daughter of Thomas WHEELER and Unknown, on 14 Aug 1892. (Menona Bell WHEELER was born on 17 Jul 1871 in Brown County, Illinois and died on 6 Mar 1922 in Brown County, Illinois.)
1870 US Census (Paradise, Coles County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Daniel (age 31, b. IN), wife Charlotte [Bain] (age 25, b. IL) and children James (age 8, b. IL), William (age 8, b. IL) [erroneous age], Aaron (age 2, b. IL) and Lynn (male, age 7 mos, b. Jan 1870, IL), living in Paradise, Illinois. John is listed as a "farmer." Charlotte indicates that her father was of foriegn birth. The census indicates that Lynn was born in Jan of the year of the census.
1880 US Census (District 31, Banner, Fulton County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John C. Daniel (age 41, b. IN), wife Charlotte [Bain] (age 38, b. IL) and children James (age 19, b. IL), William (age 14, b. IL), Aaron (age 12, b. IL), George (age 10, b. IL), Nancy A. (age 6, b. IL), John W. (age 5, b. IL) and Francis M. (age 2, b. IL), living in Banner, Illinois. John Sr. is listed as a "laborer" and no parental birthplaces are listed for him [info prob. provided by Charlotte]. Charlotte indicates that her father was born in Scotland and her mother in Kentucky.
1900 US Census (District 3, Elkhorn, Brown County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Aaron Daniel (age 32, b. Dec 1867, IL) and wife Menona [Wheeler] (age 28, b. Jul 1871, IL), living in Elkhorn, Illinois. Also in the household is Menona's father, Thomas Wheeler (age 60, b. Oct 1839, OH), widower. Aaron is listed as a "farmer" and indicates that his father was born in Indiana and his mother in Illinois. Menona indicates that her father was born in Ohio and her mother in Illinois. Thomas indicates that his father was born in Virginia and his mother in Ohio. The couple indicates that they have been married for 7 years and have no children.