SEAMAN, Elmore Glenwood 1 2
1 1900 US Census (District 204, Ericson, Wheeler County, Nebraska). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Daniel Seaman (age 41, b. Nov 1859, IL), wife Eda [Shoemaker] (age 43, b. Nov 1856, IL) and children Pearl (age 13, b. Dec 1886, NE), Homer F. (age 9, b. May 1891, NE), Eda Ann (age 6, b. Dec 1893, NE), Maggie (age 3, b. Oct 1896, NE) and Elmore G. (age 2, b. Jul 1897, NE), living in Ericson, Nebraska. Daniel is listed as a "railroad foreman," and indicates that his father was born in New York and his mother in Indiana.
2 1910 US Census (District 118, Rockford Pct., Garfield County, Nebraska). Surety: 4. Lists Daniel H. Seaman (age 50, b. IL), wife Eda [Shoemaker] (age 53, b. IL) and children Homer F. (age 18, b. NE), Maggie (age 15, b. NE) and Elmore G. (age 12, b. NE), living in Rockford, Nebraska. Daniel is listed as a "farmer." The couple indicate that they have been married for 31 years, and have had 10 children, 9 of which are still living at this time.
U.S. Naval Deaths, World War I Record ( Surety: 4. Given Name: Elmer
Surname: Seaman
MI: Glenwood
Place of Death: U.S.S. Utah
Death Date: July 6,1917
Cause of Death: heart disease
Next of Kin: Eda Seaman
Relationship: mother
Address: Burwell,Nebr.
Appointed: Minneapolis,Minn.
Rank: fireman,third class
Branch: U.S.Navy
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