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(Abt 1869-) |
HENDRY, Ada E. 1 2 3 4
- Born: Abt 1869, Ashtabula County, Ohio
1870 US Census (Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Hiram A. Hendry (age 37, b. OH), wife Julia S. (age 28, b. OH) and children Samuel S. (age 5, b. OH), Harry S. (age 3, b. OH) and Ada E. (age 1, b. OH). Hiram is listed as a "druggist."
1880 US Census (District 269, McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Hiram A. Hendry [as Alexander Hendry] (age 45, b. OH), wife Julia S. (age 37, b. OH) and children Alex S. [Samuel] (age 15, b. OH), Harry (age 13, b. OH) and Ada E. (age 11, b. OH), living in McPherson, Kansas. Hiram is listed as a "clerk in a drug store." Hiram's parents are both listed as born in New Hampshire [erroneous; info prob. provided by Julia]. Julia's parents are both listed as born in Pennsylvania.
1900 US Census (District 142, McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Julia A Hendry (age 58, b. Aug 1842, OH) and children Alex S. (age 35, b. May 1865, OH), Harry S. (age 32, b. Feb 1867, OH) and Ada E. (age 30, b. Dec 1868, OH), living in McPherson, Kansas. While Julia appears as the head of household in this record, she is not listed as a widow, which indicates that Hiram is still living but not at home. Alex S. is listed as an "attorney." Harry S. is listed as a "clerk."
1910 US Census (District 67, 2-Wd McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas). Surety: 4. Lists Alex Hendry (age 48, b. OH) and siblings Harry S. (age 42, b. OH) and Ada E. (age 39, b. OH), living in McPherson, Kansas. Alex is listed as a "lawyer." Harry S. is listed as a "cigar maker." No profession is listed for Ada.