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MORROW, Blanche
(Abt 1869-) |
1880 US Census (District 63, Stockton, Jo Daviess County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Morrow (age 41, b. NY), wife Mallvilla (age 33, b. IL) and children Richard (age 12, b. IL), Blanche (age 11, b. IL), Hiram (age 7, b. IL) and Horace (age 7, b. IL) [marked as twins], living in Stockton, Illinois. John is listed as a "mail contractor." Also in the household are "servants" Joel Meiller (age 49, b. NY) and James Edmonds (age 23, b. IL), who are both listed as "stage drivers." John indicates that both his parents were born in New York. Mallvilla indicates that both her parents were born in Kentucky.