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ANDRE, Marion Oliver
(1900-1975) |
ANDRE, Marion Oliver 1 2
- Born: 23 Nov 1900, Wisconsin
- Marriage: UNKNOWN, Amy about 1927 in prob. Florida
- Died: 17 Dec 1975, Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, Florida at age 75
Marion married Amy UNKNOWN about 1927 in prob. Florida. (Amy UNKNOWN was born about 1905 in Nebraska.)
1910 US Census (District 17, Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin). Surety: 4. Lists Elmer F. Andre (age 36, b. IL), wife Blanche (age 29, b. IL) and son Marion (age 9, b. WI), living in Cassville, Wisconsin. Elmer is listed as a "butter maker" for a "creamery," and indicates that both his parents were born in Pennsylvania. Blanche indicates that both her parents were born in Pennsylvania.
1930 US Census, District 257, Brockport, Monroe County, New York. Surety: 4. Lists Marion O. Andre (age 29, b. WI), wife Amy (age 21, b. NE) and son Keith (age 1 yr 6 mos, b. FL), living in Brockport, New York. Marion is listed as a "teacher" for a "normal school," and indicates that both his parents were born in Illinois. Amy indicates that both her parents were born in Pennsylvania.