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SHROVE, Robert Lee
(1910-1947) |
SHROVE, Robert Lee 1 2 3
- Born: 25 May 1910, Colorado
- Died: 16 Jul 1947, Los Angeles County, California at age 37 4
1930 US Census, District 944, Gardena, Los Angeles County, California. Surety: 4. Lists John E. Shrove (age 46, b. NE), wife Marie (age 41, b. MO) and son Robert L. (age 19, b. CO), living in Gardena, California. John is listed as a "house painter," and indicates that both his parents were born in Illinois. Marie indicates that both her parents were born in Germany. The couple indicate that John was 23 and Marie 18 years old when they married. Robert is also listed as a "house painter." Also living in Los Angeles county at this time is John's mother, Ella [Holroyd] Shrove, who is living in a hospital or home for the aged.
1910 US Census (District 172, 13-Wd Denver, Denver County, Colorado). Surety: 4. Lists John E. Shrove (age 26, b. NE), wife Marie [Diehl] (age 22, b. Missouri) and son Robert L. (age 11 mos, b. CO), living in Denver, Colorado. John is listed as a "painter" and "paper hanger," and indicates that both his parents were born in Illinois. Marie indicates that both her parents were born in Germany. The couple indicate that they have been married for 2 years, and have had one child, still living.
1920 US Census (District 170, Craig, Moffat County, Colorado). Surety: 4. Lists John Shrove (age 36, b. NE), wife Marie (age 31, b. Missouri) and son Robert (age 10, b. CO), living in Craig, Colorado. John is listed as a "farmer," and indicates that his father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother in Illinois. Marie indicates that both her parents were born in Germany.
California Death Index, 1940-1997. Surety: 4. Shrove, Robert Lee
DOB: 25 May 1910
Died: 16 Jul 1947, Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: Diehl
[Note: Robert's father died less than a month later]