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(1874-1967) |
SHROVE, Anna 1 2 3 4
![]() Anna married James Alexander WILSON, son of Alexander WILSON and Margaret Jane McCALLISTER, on 4 Dec 1890 in Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska. (James Alexander WILSON was born on 19 May 1866 in Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, died on 23 Feb 1947 in Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska and was buried in Feb 1947 in Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska.) |
1 1900 US Census (District 185, Webster, Sherman County, Nebraska). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Shrove (age 54, b. Oct 1845, PA), wife Julia A. (age 53, b. Apr 1847, IL) and children Annie (age 15, b. Sep 1874, IL) and "grandson" Joseph (age 3, b. Jun 1896, NE), living in Webster, Nebraska. John is listed as a "farmer" and indicates that both his parents were born in Pennsylvania. Julia indicates that both her parents were born in Ohio. Grandson Joseph indicates that his father was born in Illinois and his mother in Ohio.
2 1880 US Census (District 177, Jefferson, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Shrove (age 34, b. PA), wife Julia A. (age 33, b. IL) and children Henry (age 11, b. IL), Jeremiah (age 9, b. IL), Orvil (age 7, b. IL), Annie (age 5, b. IL), Elizabeth (age 3, b. IL) and Sarah (age 1, b. IL), living in Jefferson, Illinois. John is listed as a "farmer" and indicates that both his parents were born in Pennsylvania. Julia indicates that both her parents were born in Ohio.
3 1920 US Census (District 83, Aurora Ward 2, Hamilton County, Nebraska). Surety: 4. Lists James Wilson (age 53, b. IL), wife Anna [Shrove] (age 47, b. IL), and children Carl (age 25, b. NE) and Opal [Wilson] Bearnik [Bearnth] (age 19, b. NE), living in Aurora, Nebraska. Also in the household are Opal's husband, Arthur Bearnik [Bearnth] (age 21, b. Minnesota) and Anna's father, John Shrove (age 75, b. PA), widower. James is listed as a "carpenter" working "repair track," and indicates that both his parents were born in Ireland. Arthur is listed as a "salesman" for a "grocery store," and indicates that his father was born in Denmark and his mother in Sweden.
Moore, Grace Wilson, The Big Blizzard of 1888 (Hamilton County NEGenWeb Project). Surety: 4. THE BIG BLIZZARD OF 1888 -- Grace Wilson Moore --
On the night of January 11, 1888, a wonderful snow fell on nearly all of the State of p>Nebraska. On January 12th, my sister Ella and I waded through it to school one and three-fourth miles. A younger brother and sister didn't go that day. We stopped at a neighbors and two of their girls went with us. Their names were Anna and Lizzie Shrove. It was a beautiful morning, the snow was so pretty and white and so level. The name of our school was Maple Grove District #14. It was quite a large school house, the best county school in the County. One large school room, a hall and cloak room, had a full basement for fuel. There were shutters on all the windows; they were all closed at night and opened in the morning. The school room had coal oil lamps on the walls on both sides of the room. They had reflectors and they lighted the room well. There was a good well and a hand pump. During the winter months we had from 40 to 45 pupils. Just one teacher taught all grades from primary through the 10th grade; Bookkeeping, Algebra, Civil Government and some advanced work. On this particular day after the big snow, from 10:15 to 10:45 A.M. we made a "Fox and Geese" ring and at noon we played for an hour. This was a game that was quite popular when there was snow. The boys and girls all played together. The school bell rang at 1 P.M. We always sang a Hymn first thing after school was called. Just about 1:45 P.M. the wind came up from the northwest, blew the shutters shut and in ten minutes time you couldn't see across the road. The teacher said "If you think you can make it you had better go now for it is getting worse". Well, we started. We had three-fourth of a mile that we followed the railroad tracks. The track was just about a half-block from the school house. Well, that was as far as we went. We went back to the school house, some that went south made it home. We had classes till 4 o'clock then we played games. About 5:30 the father of three of the children brought a pail full of sandwiches and cookies. We had plenty of heat and plenty of water so didn't mind it too much. It was a long evening and the parents were frantic not knowing what had happened to us. There were no telephones then. About 10:30 P.M. my brother Jim and the Shrove girl's brother Jerry came for us. The storm had subsided quite a bit. We got to the nearest house three-fourths of a mile away but couldn't go any farther. Our faces and legs were froze a little. Barton was the name of the people. Mr. Barton was County Superintendent of the schools. Mrs. Barton, the dear old lady, bathed our frost bites and fixed some warm food. We stayed till morning. Brother Jim went home to let the folks know that we were alright. The storm had quit by morning and nice but cold. We went home, walked on snowdrifts eight to ten feet high. the roads weren't opened till late spring. They laid barbed wire fence down and made roads through corn fields to get to town. Lots of school children were badly frozen and lots of livestock lost. The storm came so suddenly. Written in 1965 -- I am in my 90th year but that day is as vivid as if it was just last week. Mother gave birth to her 15th child February 4, 1888. Note: This story takes place near Aurora in Hamilton Co.
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