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SHROVE, Luella
(1880-1968) |
SHROVE, Luella 1 2 3
- Born: 25 Dec 1880, Loran, Stephenson County, Illinois
- Marriage: JUNG, William Julius on 8 May 1899 in Loup City, Sherman County, Nebraska
- Died: 20 Nov 1968, Tarzana, Los Angeles County, California at age 87
Luella married William Julius JUNG, son of August B. JUNG and Emilie A. KUEHNZ, on 8 May 1899 in Loup City, Sherman County, Nebraska. (William Julius JUNG was born on 30 Nov 1873 in Indiana and died on 24 Aug 1931 in Arcadia, Valley County, Nebraska.)
1930 US Census, District 17, Washington, Sherman County, Nebraska. Surety: 4. Lists William J. Jung (age 55, b. IN), wife Luella [Shrove] (age 48, b. IL), and daughter Marie (age 11, b. NE), living in Washington, Nebraska. Also in the household is Luella's father, John Shrove (age 85, b. PA). William is listed as a "farmer," and indicates that both his parents were born in Germany. The couple indicates that they have been married about 30 years.
Sherman County, Nebraska Births, Mid 1917-1919 1st Quarter (NEGenWeb Project). Surety: 4. Marie Minnie Jung, b. 20 Sep 1918. Father: William Jung, age 44, b. IN. Mother: Luella Shrove, age 37, b. IL.
1900 US Census (District 188, Logan, Sherman County, Nebraska). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists William J. Jung (age 26, b. Nov 1873, IN), wife Luela [Shrove] (age 19, b. Dec 1881, IL) and son John W. (age 2 mos, b. Mar 1900, NE), living in Logan, Nebraska. John is listed as a "farmer," and indicates that both his parents were born in Germany. Luela indicates that both her parents were born in Pennsylvania. The couple indicate that they have been married for one year, and have had one child, still living. Living next door are William's parents, August and Emilie Jung, and family.