ADIS, Maria Katherina
(1829-1900) |
ADIS, Maria Katherina 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Other researchers have listed Maria Katherina's surname as Bidle. However, I have found no documentation in support of that surname. Marriage records of several of her children list her surname as Adis or Addis. On the 1851 Canadian census, there is found a Fredolane and Sabina Adis living in Waterloo, Ontario (where Catherine and William Stitig live shortly after their marriage), who are likely Catherine's parents. Catherine and William's first child, William, was born in Waterloo, indicating that the couple most likely married there. ![]() Maria married Wilhelm STEDDICK about 1849 in prob. Waterloo Twsp, Waterloo County, Ontario. (Wilhelm STEDDICK was born on 6 May 1826 in Germany and died on 18 May 1906 in Wellington County, Ontario, Canada 9.) |
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Elora, Wellington County, Ontario). Surety: 4. Name: Joseph Brohman
Age: 22
Residence: Salem [Wellington County]
Place of Birth: Berlin Coy, Waterloo, Ontario
Marital Status: bachelor
Occupation: farmer
Parents: Joseph Brohman & Mary William
Spouse Name: Elizabeth Studdick [Steddick]
Age: 22
Residence: Salem
Place of Birth: Salem
Marital Status: spinster
Parents: William Studdick & Catherine Adis
Witnesses: Francis Studdick, Salem & Ellen Fisher, Salem
Date of Marriage: 17 Feb 1879
Place of Marriage: Elora
Husband's Religion: Roman Catholic
Wife's Religion: Roman Catholic
Married By: Rev. I.I. Lee
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Wentworth County, Ontario). Surety: 4. Name: George Steddick
Age: 30
Residence: Chesley, Wentworth Co.
Place of Birth: Chesley
Marital Status: bachelor
Occupation: liveryman
Father: William Steddick
Mother: Catherine Addis
Spouse Name: Laura Winkler
Age: 27
Residence: Chesley
Place of Birth: Musladt
Marital Status: spinster
Occupation: nurse
Father: William Winkler
Mother: Elizabeth Moletor [sp?]
Date of Marriage: 3 May 1904
Place of Marriage: Wentworth Co.
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Arthur Twsp, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada). Surety: 4. Name: Francis Thomas Steddick
Age: 20
Residence: Arthur Village
Place of Birth: Ontario
Marital Status: bachelor
Occupation: shoemaker
Parents: William & Catherine Steddick
Spouse Name: Catherine Harcourt
Age: 22
Residence: Arthur Village
Place of Birth: Ontario
Marital Status: spinster
Parents: James & Catherine Eliza Harcourt
Witnesses: John Steddick [groom's brother], Staben; Ellen Harcourt, Arthur Village
Marriage Date: 28 Feb 1881
Marriage Place: Arthur Village
Bridegroom's Religion: Roman Catholic
Bride's Religion: Roman Catholic
Registration Number: 011905
Archives of Ontario Microfilm: 38
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Wellington County, Ontario, Canada). Surety: 4. Name: John Steddick
Age: 21
Residence: Salem, Ont.
Place of Birth: Salem, Ont.
Marital Status: bachelor
Profession: miller
Father: William Steddick
Mother: Mary Bidle
Spouse Name: Elizabeth Esch
Age: 20
Residence: Salem
Place of Birth: Salem
Marital Status: spinster
Father: [illegible] Esch
Mother: [illegible] Herst
Witnesses: [illegible]
Date of Marriage: [illegible] Nov 1883
Place of Marriage: [illegible]field, Ont.
Husband's Religion: Presbyterian
Wife's Religion: Presbyterian
Married By: Rev. C. Edminson
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Berlin, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada). Surety: 4. Name: Menno Esch
Age: 36
Residence: Souris, Manitoba
Place of Birth: Canada
Marital Status: widower
Occupation: farmer
Parents: Michael & Mary Esch
Spouse Name: Magdelen Steddick
Age: 26
Residence: Salem
Place of Birth: Canada
Marital Status: spinster
Parents: William & Katie Steddick
Witnesses: David Forsyth & Mrs. George Potter, Berlin
Date of Marriage: 14 Nov 1894
Place of Marriage: Berlin
Husband's Religion: Mennonite
Wife's Religion: Catholic
Married By: Rev. R. Pirch
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Peel, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada). Surety: 4. Name: Michael E. O'Neil
Age: 23
Residence: Twsp of Peel
Place of Birth: Twsp of Peel
Marital Status: bachelor
Occupation: farmer
Father: James O'Neil
Mother: Mary Ann Nolan
Spouse Name: Anne Maria Steddick
Age: 21
Residence: Twsp of Woolwich
Place of Birth: Salem
Marital Status: spinster
Father: William Steddick
Mother: Catherine Selis [erroneous]
Witnesses: John Thomas O'Neil, Peel; Helena Steddick, Salem
Date of Marriage: 28 Apr 1891
Place of Marriage: St. Joseph Church
Husband's Religion: Roman Catholic
Wife's Religion: Roman Catholic
Married By: Rev. R.I. Burke
7 1851 Census of Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia (Waterloo, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists William Stitig (age 26, b. Germany), wife Catherine [Bidle/Addis] (age 24, b. Germany) and son, William (age 2, b. Canada), living in Waterloo, Ontario. William Sr. is listed as a "laborer." William Sr.'s religion is listed as Lutheran. Catherine's religion is listed as Catholic. On William Jr.'s death certificate, his father lists his birthplace as "Little Germany," which likely is a nickname for this township, as there appear to be many German immigrants living in Waterloo at this time.
New York, 1820-1957 Passenger & Immigration Lists (Ancestry.com). Surety: 4. Name: Fredolia Adis
Arrival Date: Nov 30, 1833
Age: 39
Gender: M
Port of Arrival: New York
Port of Departure: Havre
Place of Origin: Wurtenburg
Occupation: Farmer
Destination: United States of America
Ship: Barque Cyrus Butler
Microfilm Serial Number: M237
Microfilm Roll Number: 21
List Number: 874
. Record indicates the arrival of Fredolane (age 39), wife Sabina (age 43) and children Gabriel (age 13), Anna (age 12), Francis (age 9) and Catherine (age 4) in New York, 30 Nov 1833.
Ontario Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 (Wellington County, Ontario; 1906). Surety: 4. Steddick, William
Died: 18 May 1906
Age: 80 years, 3 mos
Occupation: tanner
Birthplace: Germany
Cause of death: heart failure
Informant: John Steddick [son?]
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