(Abt 1660-1737) |
Monument at Rocky Point, near Fort Amherst, Charlottetown, PEI ![]() Michel married Anne-Marie CORMIER on 12 Oct 1711 in Grande Pre (Mines), l'Acadie. (Anne-Marie CORMIER was born about 1674 in Beaubassin, L'Acadie [New Brunswick], Canada and died after 1739 in prob. Beaubassin (Amherst, N.S.), Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada.) ![]() Michel next married Anne-Marie CORMIER. (Anne-Marie CORMIER was born about 1674 in Beaubassin, L'Acadie [New Brunswick], Canada and died after 1739 in prob. Beaubassin (Amherst, N.S.), Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada.) |
Hunter, Dave, The Life and Times of Michel Hache-Gallant (http://www.islandregister.com/biograph.html). Surety: 4. Michel Haché’s baptismal records still exist in Quebec and state that he was baptized April 24, 1668, when he was eight years old, with documentation that his father was a Frenchman and his mother was an Esquimo (but more likely was a Mexis Indian as there were no Eskimo in this region of Canada).
At the age of 15, Michel Haché moved to Beaubassin to live on the seigneury of Michel LeNeuf de la Vallière. Rameau de Saint-Père writes in "Une Colonie Feodole", "Among the engaged who were brought from Canada by M. de la Vallière, we find an active and intelligent young man named Haché-Gallant who was his business postman, his sergeant at arms and his man who he could trust". Haché-Gallant's education and upbringing which made him a remarkable men of that era, demonstrated that he must have been brought up in one of the notable families of the colony.
Michel Haché‚ was married in 1690 to Anne Marie Claire Cormier, born about 1674 in Port Royal, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, who was then 16 years old, and the daughter of Thomas Cormier and Madeleine Girouard. Cormier was the "Militia Captain of the Beaubassin coast". Michel and Anne’s marriage certificate has been lost. Censuses and religious records from the era permit a reconstruction of Haché's family. There were 12 children, 7 boys and 5 girls. The following censuses, all from Beaubassin, provide the following details:
1693 Census: "Michel Haché‚ 30 years old, Anne Cormier 19 years old, Michel 1-1/2 years old, Joseph 2 months. They have 13 horned animals (presumably cattle or oxen), 10 sheep, 6 pigs". In the margin reserved for the number of acres of land, it mentioned that this was a new piece of land, indicating that Haché‚ had recently acquired the land.
1698 Census: "Michel Haché‚ 36 years old, Anne Cormier 25 years old, Michel 7 years old, Joseph 5 years old, Marie 4 years old, Jean-Baptiste 2 years old. They have 12 horned animals, 12 sheep, 5 pigs and 13 acres worth of land".
1700 Census: "Michel Haché‚ 38 years old, Anne Cormier 27 years old, Michel 9 years old, Joseph 7 years old, Marie 6 years old, Jean-Baptiste 4 years old, Charles 2 years old".
1703 Census: "Michel Haché‚ said Galan (the first time in the censuses there is a mention of the surname. In French the "t" in Gallant is silent), his wife, 5 boys and 2 girls".
1714 Census: "Michel Haché, Anne Cormier,: Joseph, Marie, Jean-Baptiste, Charles, Pierre, Anne, Marguerite, Francois, Madeleine, Jacques. Thomas Cormier's widow resides with Michel Haché".
Michel Haché-Gallant was in his late 50s when he left the fertile lands at Beaubassin to live at Port La Joye. By that time he had been married to Anne Cormier for 30 years and had 12 children. He brought Anne and four of their children with him to Ile Saint-Jean. Other children followed over the next eight years, establishing their own families in the colony.
Gallant's property occupied a long, narrow strip along the east bank of the small stream beside the garrison. A 1734 sketch of Port La Joye shows three buildings on his land. Two of these buildings were dwellings, with pitched roofs, a central chimney, and doors facing the road to the garrison. The third building looked like a storehouse, with a hipped roof, a large central door, but without windows.
Immediately upon his arrival at Port La Joye, Gallant was appointed the harbour captain. His family was one of the most respected in the port, as he was well educated and held an important post.
Michel Haché-Gallant died tragically when he fell through rotting ice on the North River, in April 1737, a treacherous season for travellers, and drowned. His body was not recovered until the 17th of July of that year.
Following is his burial certificate from the La Joye harbour register.
"On the 17 July 1737, I the undersigned have buried in this harbour cemetery the corpse of Michel Haché‚ said Galan, residing in this harbour whom has sunk at the mouth of the river "du Nord" this year on the 10th day of April and whom has not been found until this day.
Signed: Brother Angéligue Collin"
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