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HALEY, Maggie
(Abt 1861-) |
1880 US Census (District 257, Little Salt, Lancaster County, Nebraska). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Edward Haley (age 55, b. Ireland), wife Mary [Conn] (age 55, b. Ireland) and children John (age 25, b. IL), Edward (age 23, b. IL), Nellie (age 20, b. IL), Maggie (age 18, b. IL), Julia (age 13, b. WY), William (age 11, b. WY), Minnie (age 9, b. NE), Johanna (age 7, b. NE), Thomas (age 5, b. NE) and James (age 2, b. NE), living in Little Salt, Nebraska. Also in the household is "age father" Allen Conn (age 70, b. Ireland), who is likely Mary's father. Edward Sr. is listed as a "farmer." Both Edward Sr., Mary and Allen Conn indicate that both their parents were born in Ireland.