(1849-1919) |
GARDINER, Julius 1 2 3 4 5
While Julius indicates that he was born in Canada on his census records, his children indicate that he was born in New York. ![]() Julius married Julia ROACH, daughter of Patrick ROACHE and Catherine UNKNOWN, about 1870 in Michigan. (Julia ROACH was born in Sep 1851 in Ontario, Canada and died after 1930 in Roscommon County, Michigan.) |
1 1920 US Census (District 325, Roscommon, Roscommon County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Lists Julius Gardiner (age 74, b. Eng. Canada), wife Julia (age 67, b. Eng. Canada) and son Julius C. (age 36, b. MI), living in Roscommon, Michigan. Julius is listed as a "laborer, woods," and indicates that both his parents were born in Ontario. Julia indicates that both her parents were born in Ireland. Julius Sr. and Julia both indicate that they came to the U.S. in 1856 and were naturalized in 1861. Julius Jr. is also listed as a "laborer, woods."
2 1870 US Census (Bangor, Bay County, Michigan). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Julius Gardiner (age 20, b. Canada), listed as a "boarder" in a boarding house owned by Jabez Willard (age 49, b. NY) in Bangor, Michigan. Julius is listed as "works in sawmill." Listed as a "domestic servant" in the boarding house is Julius' future wife, Julia Roach (age 18, b. Canada), and her sister Sarah (age 15, b. Canada).
3 1910 US Census (District 184, Higgins Twsp, Roscommon County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Lists Jewel [Julius] Gardiner (age 57, b. Eng. Canada) [age erroneous?], wife Julia [Roach] (age 56, b. Eng. Canada) and children Jean (age 35, b. MI), Clyde (age 21, b. MI) and James (age 19, b. MI), living in Higgins Twsp, Michigan. Also in the household is Julia's brother, Patrick Roach (age 64, b. Eng. Canada). Julius, his sons and Patrick are all listed as "laborer, odd jobs." Julius indicates that both his parents were born in English Canada and that he came to the U.S. in 1875 and was naturalized. Julia indicates that both her parents were born in Ireland, and that she came to the U.S. in 1878, not naturalized. Patrick indicates that both his parents were born in Ireland, and that he came to the U.S. in 1878 and is naturalized. The couple indicates that they have been married for 38 years, and have had 9 children, 8 of whom are still living. Living next door is Julius and Julia's son, William Gardiner, and his wife.
4 1900 US Census (District 161, Roscommon, Roscommon County, Michigan). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Julius Gardiner [spelled Gardner] (age 50, b. Jul 1849, Fr. Canada), wife Julia [Roach] (age 48, b. Sep 1851, Eng. Canada) and children John Roy (age 21, b. Sep 1878, MI), Clyde Julius (age 17, b. Feb 1883, MI), William David (age 14, b. Sep 1885, MI), Catherine Bernice (age 12, b. Jul 1887, MI) and James (age 9, b. Nov 1890, MI), living in Roscommon, Michigan. Julius is listed as a "farmer," and indicates that both his parents were born in French Canada. Julia indicates that both her parents were born in Ireland. The couple indicates that they have been married for 28 years and have had 9 children, 8 of whom are still living. Living next door is their son, Walter Gardiner, and his family, and living nearby is their son Eugene Gardiner, and his family. Julius indicates that he came to the U.S. in 1864, has lived there for 36 years and is naturalized. Julia indicates that she came to the U.S. in 1866, has lived there for 34 years and is not naturalized.
Marriage License (Roscommon, Roscommon County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Marriage may be solemnized between James Harcourt and Nellie Gardiner, affidavit having been filed in this office, as provided by Act 128, Laws of 1887, by which it appears that said James Harcourt is 28 years of age, color is white, residence is Seney, and birthplace was Canada, occupation is saloon keeper, father's name James Harcourt, and mother's maiden name was Ellen Farrell, has been previously married no times; and that said Nellie Gardiner is 18 years of age, color is white, residence is Houghton Lake and birthplace was Rocommon, occupation is housekeeper, father's name Julius Gardiner, and mother's maiden name was Julia Roach and who has been previously married no times, and whose maiden name was --.
Certificate of Marriage: Between Mr. James Harcourt and Miss Nellie Gardiner. I hereby certify that, in accordance with the above license, the persons herein mentioned were joined in marriage by me at Roscommon, County of Roscommon, Michigan, on the 8th day of July A.D. 1890, in the presence of Mr. Richard Harcourt of Seney and Miss Carrie Nolan of West Bay City.
A. Webeler
Catholic Priest
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