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(1871-1951) |
MEILLEUR, Levi 2 3
- Born: 15 Mar 1871, Ste. Marthe DE Vaudreuil, Quebec
- Marriage: SAUVE, Rosanna on 24 Oct 1898 in Glen Nevis, Glengarry County, Ontario, Canada 1
- Died: 18 Feb 1951, Montreal, Quebec, Canada at age 79
Levi married Rosanna SAUVE on 24 Oct 1898 in Glen Nevis, Glengarry County, Ontario, Canada.1 (Rosanna SAUVE was born about 1880 in Quebec, Canada.)
Ontario Marriage Index, 1858-1899 (Glen Nevis, Glengarry County, Ontario, Canada). Surety: 4. Name: Levi Meilleur
Spouse Name: Rosanna Sauve
Marriage Date: 24 Oct 1898
Marriage Place: Glennevis
Registration Number: 014050
Archives of Ontario Microfilm: 97
Ontario Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 (Alexandria, Glengarry County, Ontario: 1916). Surety: 4. Meilleur, Mary Rosabel Pauline
Age: 7 months
Date of death: 17 Sep 1916
Father: Levi Meilleur
Mother: Rosanna Sauve
Cause of death: acute diarrhea, 3 days
Ontario Canada Deaths, 1869-1932 (Alexandria, Glengarry County, Ontario: 1907). Surety: 4. Meilleur, William Issac
Age: 7 months
Date of death: 12 Sep 1907
Father: Levi Meilleur, Alexandria
Cause of death: whooping cough
Religion: Roman Catholic