WARBLE, Jonathon D.
(Abt 1834-) |
WARBLE, Jonathon D. 1 2
Twin to Mary C. |
1 1860 US Census (Funkstown, Washington County, Maryland). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jacob Warble (age 52, b. MD), wife Amelia (age 52, b. MD) and son John H. (age 23, b. MD), living in Funkstown, Maryland. Jacob is listed as a "farmer" and John is listed as a "farm laborer." Living next door is their son, Amos, and his family.
2 1880 US Census (District 164, Chewsville, Washington County, Maryland). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jacob D. Warble [spelled Warbel] (age 78, b. MD), wife Amelia (age 75, b. MD) and son John D. (age 44, b. MD), living in Chewsville, Maryland. Jacob is listed as a "retired farmer," and indicates that both his parents were born in Maryland. Amelia also indicates that both her parents were born in Maryland. John is listed as a "school teacher." Living next door is their son, Amos Warble, and his family.
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