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LOCKHART, Liale Gleen
(1887-) |
1900 US Census (District 174, Henderson, York County, Nebraska). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Charles Lockhart [spelled Lochard] (age 38, b. Feb 1862, IA), wife Mollie G. (age 34, b. Dec 1865, NE) and children Liale Gleen [sp?] (age 12, b. Jun 1887, KS), Fay D. (age 11, b. Aug 1888, NE), Fern M. (age 8, b. Oct 1891, NE) and Arlene F. (age 6, b. Sep 1893, NE), living in Henderson, Nebraska. Charles is listed as a "salesman" and indicates that his father was born in Pennsylvania and her mother in Iowa. Mollie indicates that both her parents were born in Pennsylvania. The couple indicates that they have been married for 14 years, and have had 4 children, all living.