1 1901 Canadian Census, Elmira, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada. Surety: 4. Lists John Steddick (age 48, b. Nov 1863, Ont), wife Elizabeth [Esch] (age 47, b. 1864, Ont) and children Sylvester (age 25, b. Jun 1886, Ont), Perle (age 18, b. 1893, Ont) and William (age 26, b. Jan 1885, Ont), living in Elmira, Ontario. Also in the household are the wife and children of William: Girtie (age 25, b. 1886, Ont) and Haisel (age 1, b. 1910, Ont). John is listed as a "hotel keeper," and numerous hotel employees are listed in the household.
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