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BURKHART, Charlotte Louise
(1898-After 1930) |
BURKHART, Charlotte Louise 1 2 3
- Born: May 1898, Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas
- Marriage: PARSONS, Elsworth Jack about 1925
- Died: After 1930
Charlotte married Elsworth Jack PARSONS, son of Louis Elmore PARSONS and Margaret Alta LONG, about 1925. (Elsworth Jack PARSONS was born on 23 Nov 1892 in Hurdland, Knox County, Missouri, died on 28 Feb 1968 in California and was buried in Feb 1968 in Lubbock County, Texas.)
1930 US Census, District 8, Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. Surety: 4. Lists Elsworth J. Parsons (age 36, b. MO), wife Charlotte L. [Burkhart] (age 31, b. KS) and children Harold E. (age 8, b. CO) and Shirley A. (age 6, b. AZ), living in Lubbock, Texas. Also in the household are Charlotte's father, Joly [sp?] L. Burkhart (age 72, b. OH), widower, and "servant" Bee Handers (age 38, b. Mississippi). Elsworth is listed as a "manager, dry goods store" and indicates that his father was born in Illinois and his mother in Missouri. Charlotte indicates that her father was born in Ohio and her mother in Missouri. Joly indicates that both his parents were born in Ohio.
1900 US Census (District 75, Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jay L. Burkhart (age 41, b. Jun 1858, OH), wife Charlotte E. (age 38, b. Dec 1861, NY) and children Charlotte (age 2, b. May 1898, KS) and Christine (age 5 mos, b. Dec 1899, KS), living in Beloit, Kansas. Jay is listed as an "impliment dealer" and indicates that both his parents were born in Ohio. Charlotte E. indicates that her father was born in New York and her mother in England. The couple indicate that they have been married for 15 years, and have had 2 children, both living.
1920 US Census (District 99, Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas). Surety: 4. Lists Jay L. Burkhart (age 60, b. OH), wife Charlotte (age 58, b. NY) and children Charlotte (age 21, b. KS) and Christine (age 20, b. KS), living in Beloit, Kansas. Jay is listed as a "laborer" and indicates that both his parents were born in Ohio. Charlotte Sr. indicates that both her parents were born in New York.