CRARY, Alfred Augustus 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
![]() Alfred married Martha UNKNOWN about 1859 in Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio. (Martha UNKNOWN was born about 1830 in Prob. Ohio and died before 1860 in prob. Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio.) ![]() Alfred next married Eunice J. BRIGHAM, daughter of Jonathon BRIGHAM and Melinda DAVENPORT, in Nov 1850 in Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio.1 (Eunice J. BRIGHAM was born in 1825 in Ohio and died after 1880.) |
Geauga County Ohio Licenses and Marriages (Geauga County GenWeb site: Surety: 4. CRARY, Augustus A.
BRIGHAM, Eunice J.
License Date: 04 Nov 1850
Page: 167
Township: Chardon
2 1850 US Census (Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Erastus Crary (age 65, b. CT) wife Rebecca [Dunwell] (age 62, b. CT), and children Alfred A. (age 25, b. OH) and Nancy (age 25, b. OH), this is probably recorded inaccurately as Nancy was 27 at this time), living in Kirtland, Ohio. Also in the household is Gorden? Gran? (male, age 60, b. CT), whose relationship to the family, if any, is unclear. Erastus is listed as a "farmer." Gorden is listed as a "painter." Living nearby is their son, Erastus, and his family.
3 1880 US Census (District 174, Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Alfred [sp. Alferd] A. Crary (age 32), wife Eunice J. (age 33), and daughter Emma L. (age 17), living in Freeport, IL. Alfred is listed as a "teacher." Eunice indicates that the birthplace of her parents is unknown.
4 1870 US Census (Prairie, Montgomery County, Missouri). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists [Alfred] Augustus Crary (age 45), wife Eunice (age 44), and daughter Emma (age 7), living in Prairie, Missouri. Alfred is listed as a "school teacher."
5 1910 US Census (District 12, 2-Wd Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska). Surety: 4. Lists Alfred A. Crary (age 84), widower, listed as an "inmate" in the Masonic Home in Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
6 1860 US Census (Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Alfred Crary (age 33) and wife, Martha (age 23, b. OH), living next door to Alfred's parents, Erastus W. and Rebecca Crary, in Kirtland, Ohio.
7 1830 US Census (Kirtland, Geaugua County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Erastus Crary (age 40-49, b. 1780-1789) and wife [Rebecca Dunwell] (age 40-49, b. 1780-1789), and children: 2 sons (age 10-15, b. 1814-1819) [Erastus William and Henry Dunwell], 2 sons (age <5, b. 1825-1830) [Alfred and Addison], 2 daughters (age 15-19, b. 1810-1814) [Polly Mary and Almeda Martha], 1 daughter (age 10-15, b. 1814-1819) [Stella], and 2 daughters (age 5-10, b. 1819-1824) [Maria R. and Nancy Elvira], living in Kirtland, Ohio. Living two houses away are Erastus' parents, Christopher and Mary Crary. Also living nearby is Henry Dunwell (age 30-39, b. 1790-1799), who is likely the brother of Rebecca.
Unknown, Portrait and Biographical Album of Stephenson County, Illinois: Containing full page portraits and biographical sketches, Vol I & II (Stephenson County, Illinois: published abt. 1880-1890), Vol II, p. 488. Surety: 4. Alfred A. Crary, who for many years was identified with the educational interests of Stephenson County as a teacher and Superintendent of Schools, has been a resident of Freeport since 1866. He was born in the old Morman town of Kirtland, in Geauga County, Ohio, July 2, 1826. His father, Erastus Crary, was born in Stonington, Conn., in 1786, and the mother, formerly Miss Rebecca Dunwell, was born in the same place, and became the wife of Erastus Crary about 1805. They emigrated to Western New York and thence to Ohio, settling in the latter state in 1807, where the father engaged first as a carpenter and joiner and subsequently in farming pursuits. Their family consisted of eleven children, ten of whom lived to mature years and six of whom still survive. The parents died in Lake County, Ohio.
Alfred A. Crary was the ninth child, and passed his boyhood and youth in his native county, completing his education in the Western Reserve Seminary, an institution especially calculated for the instruction of those designed [for] becoming teachers. He began the duties of his chosen profession near Niagra Falls, in Canada. In 1856, he came to this county, and taught first at Andrew's Mills, then at Lena, and afterward in the town of Davis. In 1860 he was elected County Superintendent of Schools, which position he held for ten years, in the meantime working hard and availing himself of every opportunity to excel in the duties connected with his profession. After retiring from this office he engaged in teaching two years at Wellsville, Mo., and six years at Chatsworth, in the southeastern part of Livingston County. He afterward taught two years at Storm Lake, Iowa.
Mr. Crary was married, in 1850, to Miss Eunice, daughter of Jonathon and Melinda (Davenport) Brigham, natives of Vermont, who died at Geauga County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C. have no children, but have performed the part of parents to a boy and a girl, both of whom were formally adopted. The boy died at the age of fifteen years, and the girl still lives with her foster parents.
Mr. Crary was in former years a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Moses R. Thompson Lodge, but demitted to help organize a lodge in Missouri, and has not since affiliated with his home lodge. Both he and his estimable wife are connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. C. has officiated as Steward and to which he has been a cheerful and liberal contributor for many years. Politically, he was in early life a staunch adherent of the old Whig party, but upon its dissolution allied himself with the Republicans, with whom he has since voted.
The grandfather of our subject, Christopher Crary, was of substantial Scotch ancestry, and was the first settler in the old town of Kirtland, Ohio, where he following general merchandising.
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