PARSONS, Sheridan Reed
(Abt 1852-) |
PARSONS, Sheridan Reed 1 2 3
It does not appear that Sheridan is in any way related to Louis E. Parsons, who married Sarah Catherine Long's sister, Margaret Alta Long. ![]() Sheridan married Sarah Catherine LONG, daughter of Reuben LONG and Almyra Y. LAIR, about 1880 in Knox County, Missouri. (Sarah Catherine LONG was born about 1859 in Missouri.) |
1 1880 US Census (District 78, Shelton, Knox County, Missouri). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Rhuban Long (age 48, b. WV), second wife Adda [Russell] (age 28, b. MO) and children [from Reuban's first marriage] Alex (age 16, b. MO), J. Morgan (age 14, b. MO), Jackson (age 11, b. MO), Margaret (age 5, b. MO) and [from Reuban's second marriage] unnamed son [Joseph] (age 1 mon, b. MO), living in Shelton, Missouri. Rhuban is listed as "farming" and indicates that both his parents were born in West Virginia. Adda indicates that both her parents were born in New York. Also in the household is daughter Sarah C. (age 20, b. MO) and her husband S. [Sheridan] Parsons (age 29, b. IL). S. Parsons indicates that his father was born in New York and his mother in Ohio.
2 1860 US Census (Salt River, Knox County, Missouri). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Ulysses Parsons (age 34, b. NY), wife Elizabeth K. (age 29, b. OH) and children Thomas (age 10, b. IL), Sheridan (age 7, b. IL), Barestor [Zoroaster] (age 6, b. IL), Mary A. (age 4, b. IL) and Martha E. (age 1, b. MO), living in Salt River, Missouri. Also in the household is Ulysses' brother, Jerome Parsons (age 21, b. NY). Ulysses is listed as a "farmer." Living two houses away is Ulysses' mother, Mary Parsons, and some of his siblings.
3 1870 US Census (Locust Hill Post Office, Salt River, Knox County, Missouri). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Ulysses B. Parsons (age 45, b. NY), wife Elizabeth (age 39, b. OH) and children Thomas B. (age 19, b. IL), Sheridan (age 17, b. IL), Zoroaster (age 16, b. IL), Mary Ann (age 14, b. IL), Martha (age 11, b. IL [erroneous]), Virginia (age 9, b. IL [erroneous]), Ellsworth (age 8, b. IL [erroneous]), John (age 6, b. MO), Montville (age 4, b. MO) and Auzurean (age 3, b. MO), living in Salt River, Missouri. Ulysses is listed as a "farmer."
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