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(Abt 1833-) |
DUNWELL, Amelia 1
- Born: Abt 1833, New York
- Marriage: STREETER, Benjamin about 1850
Amelia married Benjamin STREETER about 1850. (Benjamin STREETER was born about 1830 and died in Prob. Illinois.)
1850 US Census (Arcadia Village, Wayne County, New York). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Stephen Dunwell [Jr.] (age 63, b. MA), wife Nancy (age 56, b. NY) and children Orpha (age 37, b. NY), Mary (age 25, b. NY), Amelia (age 16, b. NY) and Cordelia (age 14, b. NY), living in Arcadia Village, New York. Stephen is listed as a "blacksmith." Living next door is their son, Ameron Dunwell, and his family.