MEILLEUR, Lévis 2 3
Listed as a French Voyageur on 1871 Canadian census. Levis was a lumberjack who was killed in a logging accident in AuSable, MI. ![]() Lévis married Marie Dauxille DAOUST, daughter of Antoine DAOUST and Charlotte "Chatel" DEMERS, on 23 Nov 1868 in Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan.1 (Marie Dauxille DAOUST was born on 26 Nov 1849 in St. Clet, Quebec, Canada and died on 10 Mar 1925 in St. Stanislas, Montreal, Canada.) |
1 Marriage Record (Extracted marriage record, St. Clair County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Levi Meilleur married to Mary Dancille Deau on 23 Nov 1868 in St. Clair County, Michigan.
2 1871 Canadian Census (Ste. Marthe, Vaudreuil, Quebec), Division 1, page 10. Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Levi Meilleur (age 26, b. Quebec), wife Doxile (age 21, b. Quebec), daughter Azilda (age 1, b. Quebec) and son William (6 mos, b. Oct 1870, U.S.). Levi is listed as a "French Voyageur." The family's religion is listed as Roman Catholic.
3 1851 Census of Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia (Ste. Marthe, Vaudreuil County, Quebec, Canada). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Michel Meilleur (age 44, b. Ste. Eustache), wife Zoé Marineau [Asselin] (age 41, b. Ste. Eustache) and children Sevine (age 16, b. Ste. Eustache), Camille (age 13, b. Ste. Marthe), Lévis (age 7, b. Ste. Marthe), Deffine (age 4, b. Ste. Marthe), Palma (age 2, b. Ste. Marthe) and Gédéon (age 6 mos, b. Ste. Marthe), living in Ste. Marthe, Quebec. Also in the household is Michel's mother, Josephte Losé (age 76, b. Ste. Eustache). Michel is listed as a "cultivateur."
4 Index to Death Records: 1867-1952, AuSable and Oscoda Townships, Iosco County, Michigan (Huron Shores Genealogical Society, 30 Jun 2000). Surety: 4. Records death of Levi Meilleur [spelled Meilliure] on 8 Dec 1899, age 54.
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