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(Abt 1878-) |
1880 US Census (District 295, Carleton, Thayer County, Nebrasks). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists S.J. Henderson (age 27, b. NY), wife Mary E. [Campbell] (age 42 [age hard to read], b. CT) and children Christina (age 13, b. IL), W.H. [son] (age 11, b. IL), R.L. [Roxa Lavina] (age 5, b. IL), Ella (age 3, b. IL) and M.B. [daughter] (age 1, b. IL), living in Carleton, Nebraska. Also in the household is "brother-in-law" O.M. Campbell (age 32, b. NY). S.J. is listed as a "laborer," and indicates that both his parents were born in Scotland. Mary E. indicates that both her parents were born in Vermont. O.M. Campbell is listed as a "painter" and indicates that both his parents were born in Vermont.