(Abt 1815-After 1880) |
GATLIFF, Sarah 1 2 3 4
![]() Sarah married Daniel MACK about 1834 in Prob. Illinois. (Daniel MACK was born about 1797 in New Hampshire and died before 1880 in Florence, Stephenson County, Illinois.) |
1 1880 US Census (District 172, Florence, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Sarah Mack (age 64, b. KY), and son Walter (age 24, b. IL), living in Florence, Illinois. Also in the household are "grandson" Walter Mack (age 11, b. IL) and Terry Jane Mack (age 21, b. CA), "servant," whose relationship is unclear. Sarah is listed as a "wife" rather than the head of the household, indicating that her husband may still be living at this time. Sarah is listed as "keeping house," and indicates that her father was born in North Carolina and her mother in Kentucky. Walter Sr. indicates that his father was born in New York and his mother in Kentucky. Walter Jr. indicates that both his parents were born in Illinois. Terry Jane indicates that her father was born in Illinois and her mother in Pennsylvania. Walter Sr. is listed as "farming."
2 1870 US Census (Florence, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Daniel Mack (age 72 [hard to read], NH), wife Sarah [Gatliff] (age 54, b. KY) and children Ophelia (age 22, b. IL) and Walter (age 14, b. IL), living in Florence, Illinois. Also in the household is Robert H. Remick (age 18, b. IL), whose relationship, if any, is unclear. Daniel is listed as a "farmer."
3 1860 US Census (Florence, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Daniel Mack (age 63, b. NH), wife Sally [Gatliff] (age 45, b. KY) and children Christene (age 22, b. IL), James (age 19, b. IL), Cornelia (age 18, b. IL), Clarinda (age 14, b. IL), Ophelia (age 12, b. IL) and D.W. [Walter] (age 5, b. IL), living in Florence, Illinois. Also in the household is M.E. Dains (age 18, b. NY), whose relationship to the family, if any, is unclear. Daniel is listed as a "farmer." M.E. Dains is listed as a "comm. s. teacher."
4 1850 US Census (Florence, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Daniel Mack (age 55, b. NH), wife Sarah [Gatliff] (age 35, b. KY) and children Jana B. (age 14, b. IL), Christine M. (age 12, b. IL), James H. (age 10, b. IL), Cornelia (age 7, b. IL), Clarinda (age 4, b. IL) and Ophelia (age 2, b. IL), living in Florence, Illinois. Daniel is listed as a "farmer." Living next door is William Mack (age 32, b. VA), and his family, who may be Daniel's brother. Living two doors away is Sarah's brother, Thomas Gatliff (age 30, b. KY), and his family.
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