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DENMAN, Daniel
(Abt 1846-) |
DENMAN, Daniel 1
- Born: Abt 1846, Oxford County, Ontario, Canada
1851 Census of Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia (Zorra, Oxford County, Ontario, Canada). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists William Denman (age 31, b. England), wife Eliza (age 27, b. Scotland) and children William (age 8, b. Canada), Mary (age 7, b. England [erroneous?]) and Daniel (age 5, b. Canada), living in Zorra, Ontario. Also in the household is William's mother, Hannah [Booker] Denman (age 61, b. England, residing in Woodstock [visitor]). William Sr. is listed as a "farmer." The family's religion is listed as Episcopalian.