(Abt 1794-After 1850) |
CURRY, John 2 3 4 5
John Curry and Jane Jordan remained in Vigo County, Indiana all of their lives. John does not appear in any census records after 1850. ![]() John married Susannah DANIELS, daughter of Peter DANIELS and Rebecca UNKNOWN, on 15 Nov 1813 in Clark County, Indiana.1 The marriage ended in Divorce in 1825-1828. (Susannah DANIELS was born in 1796 in prob. Clark County, Indiana and died about 1835 in Honey Creek, Vigo County, Indiana.) ![]() John next married Jane JORDAN about 1830-1835 in Vigo County, Indiana. (Jane JORDAN was born about 1803 in Pennsylvania and died in Prob. Honey Creek, Vigo County, Indiana.) |
Lord, Charles H., Kentucky Historical Society Register (1904, Kentucky), Vol. 2, No. 5, pg. 70f. Surety: 4. "Marriage License Older than State of Indiana is Found on Street".
A marriage license, older than the State of Indiana and still in good state
of preservation, was picked up in Jeffersonville, Indiana yesterday by County Recorder George W. Stoner, who happened to spy the ancient paper lying near the fence that surrounds the courthouse yard. How the document came to be where it was no one knows, but the supposition is that it was thrown out among a lot of wastepapers, the new janitor now being at work giving the building a thorough cleaning.
Besides being issued before Indiana was a State, the document was written
before there was such a thing as a marriage record in Clark County. The
paper bears the date of Nov. 15, 1813 and is signed by Isaac Shelby, County
Clerk and was issued to John Curry and Susana Daniels, a further
identification of the woman being given by stating in parenthesis that she
was a daughter of Peter Daniels.
The instrument is directed to any judge of the general court of quarterly
sessions, or other person employed to solemnize marriage in the county of
Clark Indiana Territory.
2 1820 US Census (Sullivan County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 3. Lists John Curry (age 26-44), wife Susannah (age 26-44) and three children (2 males under 10, 1 female under 10), living in Sullivan County, Indiana.
3 1840 US Census (Honey Creek, Vigo County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 3. Lists John Curry (age 40-50), second wife Jane [Jordan] (age 40-50), and four children, 2 males <5, 1 male (age 5-10) and 1 male (age 10-15), living in Honey Creek, Indiana. John's sister, Mary [Curry] Klemm is also living in Honey Creek at this time. Also living nearby is John's son, Elias S. [as E.S. Curry], and his family.
4 1850 US Census (Honey Creek, Vigo County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Curry (age 56, b. Maryland), wife Jane (age 46, b. PA) and children Oliver M. (age 20, b. IN), Hampton (age 15, b. IN), Homer (age 13, b. IN) and Albert B. (age 10, b. IN), living in Honey Creek, Indiana. Also in the household is Lucy Jane McCune (age 5, b. IN), whose relationship to the family is uncertain (may be a granddaughter). John, Oliver, Albert and Hampton are all listed as "farmers."
Estate of William Curry (County records, Vigo County, Indiana). Surety: 4. "Sale bill of the personal estate of Mr. Curry, deceased. Filed April 27, 1833."
This document includes several pages which list the property of William Curry. The first page lists the property that was "bought by the widow," Elizabeth Curry, on 10 Nov 1832 and 8 Dec 1832. On the same two dates, the remainder of the property was bought by others, including:
Daniel Curry [brother of William?]
James Riddle
Elias Curry [son]
William Curry [may be a son, grandson or nephew]
Frances Brock
Elijah Robertson
John Curry [son]
Jacob Harrington
William Wilson
James Cummins
Silas Jessop
William Gep
David Harris
Alexander Wilber
Delilah Curry [relationship unknown]
Edward Miles
Juliann Curry [relationship unknown]
The heading of the final page reads, "Sale bill of a balance of the personal property of the estate of William Curry, deceased, which was taken on the 8th day of December 1832 by me. David Harris."
Following the list of items, their value and the names of the purchasers, it reads, "State of Indiana, Vigo County. The above named David Harris makes oath that the above is a just & true account of the sale of the personal estate of William Curry, late of said county, deceased. Sworn before me, Justice of the Peace of said county this 27th day of April, A.D. 1833. C.T. Noble, J.P." [State Seal].
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