THOMAS, Charles Roy 1 2 3
Appears twice on the 1920 U.S. his parent's household in Burt, MI and again in his aunt's household in Detroit. |
1 1920 US Census (District 305, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Lists Oliva (as Levi, age 43, b. MI [incorrect]), wife Ada (age 42, b. Canada), and children Raymond (age 15, b. MI), Paul (age 13, b. MI), Charles (age 9, b. MI), Agnes (age 9, b. MI), and William (age 2, b. MI). Also in the household are nephew Roy Thomas [son of Ada's sister, Matilda] (age16, b. MI), and Ada's mother, Marguerite [Godin] Goupille (age 68, b. Canada). Oliva is listed as a "steam fitter" for an auto company. Roy is also working as a "stock cuter(?)" at an auto plant. Oliva incorrectly indicates that both of his parents were born in Michigan [they were born in Canada]. Ada indicates that she came to the U.S. in 1882 and was naturalized in 1905. Marguerite indicates that she came to the U.S. in 1882 and was not naturalized.
2 1920 US Census (District 2, Burt, Alger County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Lists David Thomas (age 47, b. MI), wife Matilda (age 44, b. Fr. Canada) and children Roy (age 16, b. MI), James (age 13, b. MI), John (age 13, b. MI), Francis (age 8, b. MI) and William (age 3, b. MI), living in Burt, Michigan. Also in the household are Matilda's children from her first marriage, Rexford Block (age 20, b. MI) and Marguerite Block (age 18, b. MI). David is listed as a "salesman," and indicates that both his parents were born in Michigan and are of French heritage. Matilda indicates that both her parents were born in French Canada, and that she immigrated to the U.S. in 1884 and is naturalized. Roy is listed as a "pattern cutter" for an "auto factory." Rexford is listed as "U.S. Coast Guard" for the "government."
3 1910 US Census (District 2, Burt Township, Alger County, Michigan). Surety: 4. Lists David Thomas (age 38, b. MI), wife Matilda (age 35, b. Fr. Canada), and children Charles R. (age 6, b. MI), twin sons John A. and James A. (age 3, b. MI), living in Burt Township, Michigan. Also living in the household are Matilda's children by Anthony Block; Rexford J. (age 11, b. MI) and Margarite M. (age 9, b. MI). David is listed as a "liquor merchant, retail," and indicates that both his parents were born in Michigan. Matilda indicates that both her parents were born in French Canada, and that she immigrated to the U.S. in 1886. The couple indicates that they have been married for 7 years. Matilda indicates that she has had 7 children, 5 of whom are still living.
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