CURRY, Robert
(1780-After 1830) |
CURRY, Robert 1 2
It is unclear if Robert is actually a brother of Elias, John and Calvin Curry, or other relative. It is possible that he is their uncle (brother of William Curry). More research is needed. |
1 1820 US Census (Sullivan County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Robert Curry (age 26-45, b. 1775-1794), wife (age 26-45, b. 1775-1794), and children 1 male (age <10, b. 1810-1820), and 2 females (age <10, b. 1810-1820), living in Sullivan County, Indiana. Living next door is brother [we believe], Elias Curry, and two houses away are John and Samuel Curry.
2 1830 US Census (Sullivan County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 3. Lists Robert Curry (age 40-50, b. 1780-1790), and children 1 male (age 5-10, b. 1820-1825), 1 female (age <5, b. 1825-1830) and 2 females (age 10-15, b. 1815-1820), living in Sullivan County, Indiana. It is likely that Robert is widowed.
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