CURRY, Samuel
(1780-After 1830) |
CURRY, Samuel 1 2 3 4
Have not confirmed that the Samuel Curry listed in Jacob Shoemaker's will is the same Samuel Curry found in Sullivan County, Indiana in 1820, but it does seem likely. It is also uncertain if Samuel is a son of William Curry or his brother. |
Jacob Shoemaker, New Jersey Calendar of Wills 1796 - 1800 (30 Oct 1798, Lower Penns Neck, Salem County, New Jersey). Surety: 4. 1798,Oct 30 Shoemaker, Jacob, of Lower Penns Neck, Salem Co; will of wife,Catharine, bay mare and saddle' also 1/3 of residue of property, Son Samuel, my watch, bay mare and saddle. Daughter, Mary Shoemaker, 1 heifer, small bed, Pair of tongs and andirons, Son, Michael, gray mare and saddle. To my wife's daughter, Hannah Martin, 1 cow, son Jacob, 5 shillings. My little Negro lad, Isaac (aged 3) To be set free when 27. Daughter, Elizabeth Currey and sons, Elias and Samuel, the other 2/3 of residue divided between them. Executrix-wife Catherine, Witnesses- Thomas Miles, Charles Campbell and Rebecca Shoemaker. Proved Jan 7,1799.
2 1820 US Census (Sullivan County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 2. Lists Samuel Curry (age 26-45, b. 1775-1794), wife (age 26-45, b. 1775-1794), and children 3 males (age <10, b. 1810-1820) living in Sullivan County, Indiana. Living nearby are Samuel's brothers, John, Elias and Robert, and his father [we believe], William Curry.
War of 1812 Service Records (Ancestry.com). Surety: 2. SAMUEL CURRY, private, 1st Regiment, Mounted Riflemen (Scott's), Indiana Militia.
4 1830 US Census (Sullivan County, Indiana). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 3. Lists Samuel Curry (age 40-50, b. 1780-1790), wife (age 30-40, b. 1790-1800) and children 1 male (age <5, b. 1825-1830), 1 male (age 5-10, b. 1820-1825), 2 males (age 10-15, b. 1815-1820), 1 male (age 15-20, b. 1810-1815), 1 female (age <5, b. 1825-1830) and 1 female (age 5-10, b. 1820-1825), living in Sullivan County, Indiana.
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