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(1867-1947) |
GRIGSBY, Adam 1 2
- Born: 22 Aug 1867, Pearl City, Stephenson County, Illinois
- Died: 19 Dec 1947, Minneapolis, Minnesota at age 80
1870 US Census (Loran, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists George Grigsby (age 41, b. IL), wife Margaret [Shoemaker] (age 32, b. IN), and children Eva (age 8, b. IL), Emma (age 6, b. IL), Anna (age 4, b. IL), Adam (age 3, b. IL) and Lara (age 9 mos, b. IL), living in Loran, Illinois. George is listed as a "farmer." Living a few houses away is Margaret's sister, Emit [Shoemaker] Holroyd, and her family.
1880 US Census (District 180, Loran, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists George Grigsby (age 57, b. IL), wife Margaret [Shoemaker] (age 42, b. IN) and children Emma (age 16, b. IL), Annie (age 14, b. IL), Adam (age 12, b. IL), Laura (age 10, b. IL), Milton (age 6, b. IL) and Myra (age 6, b. IL), living in Loran, Illinois. Also in the household is John Stener (age 20, b. PA), listed as a "farm hand." George is listed as a "farmer." George indicates that both of his parents were born in Kentucky. Margaret indicates that her father was born in Ohio and her mother in Pennsylvania.