KEEHN, Mabel F.
(1900-After 1930) |
KEEHN, Mabel F. 2 3 4 5
![]() Mabel married Howard William KEITH, son of James Herbert KEEFE and Lillian Almeda CRARY, on 5 Jun 1918 in Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois.1 (Howard William KEITH was born on 27 Nov 1894 in Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois and died on 4 Nov 1968 in Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois.) |
1 Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900 (Stephenson County, Illinois). Surety: 4. Marriage of Howard W. Keith to Mabel Keehn on 5 Jun 1918 in Stephenosn County. License #1011.
2 1920 US Census (District 129, Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois). Surety: 4. Lists Howard Keith (age 25, b. IL), wife Mabel [Keehn] (age 19, b. IL), and son Walter (age 5 mos, b. IL), living in Freeport, Illinois. Howard is listed as a "car repairer, ICRR shop," and indicates that his father was born in New York and his mother in Ohio. Mabel indicates that her father was born in Wisconsin and her mother in Illinois. Living next door are Mabel's parents, John and Lena Keehn.
3 1930 US Census, District 131, Waterford, Oakland County, Michigan. Surety: 4. Lists Howard W. Keith (age 35, b. IL), wife Mabel [Keehn] (age 30, b. IL), and children Walter O. (age 10, b. IL), Edward R. (age 9, b. IL), John H. (age 7, b. IL), Lorraine A. (age 5, b. IL), Howard Jr. (age 2, b. IL) and Alice A. (age 1, b. MI), living in Waterford, Michigan. Howard Sr. is listed as a "painter" at an "auto company," and indicates that both his parents were born in Illinois. Mabel indicates that her father was born in Wisconsin and her mother in Illinois. The couple indicate that they married when Howard was age 23 and Mabel age 18. Living next door is Howard Sr.'s brother, Walter E. Keith, and his family.
4 1900 US Census (District 117, Freeport Ward 3, Stephenson County, Illinois). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Keehn (age 31, b. Jun 1868, WI), wife Lena (age 25, b. Dec 1876, IL) and children Alto (age 5, b. Jul 1894, IL), Edwin (age 2, b. Mar 1898, IL) and Mabel (age 3 mos, b. Feb 1900, IL), living in Freeport, Illinois. John is listed as a "teamster," and indicates that both his parents were born in Germany. Lena indicates that both her parents were born in Germany. The couple indicates that they have been married for 6 years, and have had 3 children, all living.
5 1910 US Census (District 106, 3-Wd Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois). Surety: 4. Lists John Keehn (age 42, b. WI), wife Lena (age 40, b. IL) and children Otto (age 15, b. IL), Edwin (age 12, b. IL), Mabel (age 10, b. IL), Helen (age 7, b. IL), Alice (age 4, b. IL) and Leona (age 1, b. IL), living in Freeport, Illinois. John is listed as a "laborer, furniture company," and indicates that both his parents were born in Wisconsin. Lena indicates that both her parents were born in Germany. Otto is listed as a "laborer, gardener." The couple indicates that they have been married for 16 years, and have had 6 children, all living.
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