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SKED, Lillian G.
(1885-1935) |
SKED, Lillian G. 1 2
- Born: 12 May 1885, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
- Marriage (1): WELK, Unknown about 1904 in Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio
- Marriage (2): MARTIN, Arthur before 1930 in Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio
- Died: 1935, Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio at age 50
- Buried: 1935, South Kirtland Cemetery, Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio 3
Lillian married Unknown WELK about 1904 in Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio. (Unknown WELK was born about 1880 and died before 1908 in prob. Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio.)
Lillian next married Arthur MARTIN before 1930 in Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio. (Arthur MARTIN was born in 1849 in Ohio.)
1900 US Census (District 59, Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Walter Sked [spelled Skedd] (age 45, b. Jan 1855, OH), wife Bertha [Crary] (age 40, b. Nov 1859, OH), and children William (age 17, b. Dec 1882, OH), Lillian (age 15, b. May 1885, OH), Helen (age 12, b. Jun 1887, OH), Ralph (age 11, b. Dec 1888, IL) and Annie (age 6, b. Apr 1892, IL), living in Kirtland, Ohio. Also in the household is Walter's mother, Stella [Crary] Sked (age 80, b. Nov 1819, OH), widow. Stella indicates that both her parents were born in New Hampshire [this is incorrect, they were born in CT]. Walter is listed as a "farmer," and indicates that his father was born in England and his mother in Ohio. William is listed as a "farm laborer." The remaining children are listed as "at school." The couple indicate that they have been married for 19 years. Bertha indicates that she has had seven children, five still living. Living two houses away is Bertha's cousin, George A. Daniels [son of Marvin Daniels and Bertha's aunt, Marie R. Crary], and his family.
1930 US Census, District 7, Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio. Surety: 4. Lists Arthur Martin (age 51), wife Lillian (age 43) and Arthur's son Paul H. (age 20), living in Kirtland, Ohio. Also in the household is Lillian's brother, Ralph Sked (age 40), step-children William Welk [Wilk?] (age 24, b. OH), Marjorie Welk (age 15, b. OH) and Doris Welk (age 13, b. OH) [these must be Lillian's children from a previous marriage], and "cousin" Dana Brockway (male, age 20, b. OH). Arthur is listed as a "farmer." Ralph Sked, Dana Brockway and William Welk are listed as "farm laborers."
South Kirtland Cemetery Inscriptions (Section DB, Row 12, Stone 3). Surety: 4. Mother/ Lillian G. Martin/ 1885-1935/ son/ William W. Welk/ 1905-1988.