MAKEPEACE, Roxana Jane
(1820-1882) |
MAKEPEACE, Roxana Jane 2 3 4 5 6
![]() Roxana married Henry Dunwell CRARY, son of Erastus W. CRARY and Rebecca C. DUNWELL, on 4 Jul 1839 in Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio.1 (Henry Dunwell CRARY was born on 8 Aug 1817 in Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio and died on 10 Dec 1845 in Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin.) ![]() Roxana next married Lucius Amidon BELDON about 1846 in Wisconsin. (Lucius Amidon BELDON was born on 5 Feb 1799 in Barnard, Windsor County, Vermont and died on 4 Jul 1864 in prob. Monroe County, Wisconsin.) |
Geauga County Ohio Licenses and Marriages (Geauga County GenWeb site: http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/oh/geauga/marriages/grooms/c3.txt). Surety: 4. CRARY, Henry D.
License Date: 02 Jul 1839
Page: 459
Township: Kirtland
2 1850 US Census (Argyle, Lafayette County, Wisconsin). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Louis A. Beldon (age 48, b. VT), wife Roxana (age 31, b. NY), and children John H. (age 3, b. WI) and Lucas A. (age 1, b. WI), living in Argyle, Wisconsin. Also in the household are Roxana's three children from her previous marriage: Martha A. Crary (age 9, b. IL), Sarah J. Crary (age 7, b. IL), and Albert Crary (age 5, b. IL). Also living in the household are Ashley Hastings (m., age abt. 33, b. MA) listed as a "miner;" Moses Gilman (age 39, b. Maine) listed as a "miner;" and William Grigoiy (age 15, b. Norway) listed as a "farmer."
1880 US Census (District 150, Maple, Monona County, Iowa). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists John Schreckengaust (age 39, b. OH), wife Sarah [Crary] (age 37, b. IL) and children Charles (age 19, b. WI), William (age 16, b. WI), Arthur (age 12, b. WI), Ellen (age 10, b. WI), George (age 7, b. IA) and Vivian (age 5, b. IA), living in Maple, Iowa. Also in the household is Sarah's mother, Roxy Beldon [using the name of her second husband] (age 59, b. OH). John is listed as a "farmer." Living next door is Sarah's brother, Albert Crary, and his family.
4 1830 US Census (Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Jarvis Makepiece (age 30-40, b. 1790-1800), wife Lavina (age 30-40, b. 1790-1800) and children: 1 male (age 5-10, b. 1820-1825), 2 males (age <5, b. 1825-1830), 1 female (age 10-15, b. 1815-1820) [Roxanne], and 1 female (age 5-10, b. 1820-1825), living in Chardon, Ohio.
5 1860 US Census (Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists L.A. [Louis] Beldin (age 61, b. VT), wife Rox. (age 40, b. NY) and children [from Roxanne's first marriage] Mar. A. C. [Crary] (age 19, b. IL), Wm. A. C. [Crary] (age 15, b. WI), and [from this marriage] J.H. (age 13, b. WI), L.A. (age 11, b. WI), S.A. (age 7, b. WI) and Mal. V. (age 4, b. WI), living in Monroe, Wisconsin. Louis is listed as a "cooper." Martha Ann Crary is listed as a "teacher." William Albert Crary is listed as a "farmer."
6 1840 US Census (Bloomingville, Ogle County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4
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