CRARY, Henry Dunwell 2 3
![]() Henry married Roxana Jane MAKEPEACE, daughter of Jarvis MAKEPIECE and Lavina SIMMONS, on 4 Jul 1839 in Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio.1 (Roxana Jane MAKEPEACE was born on 27 Sep 1820 in Freedom, Cattaraugus County, New York and died on 19 Sep 1882 in Iowa.) |
Geauga County Ohio Licenses and Marriages (Geauga County GenWeb site: Surety: 4. CRARY, Henry D.
License Date: 02 Jul 1839
Page: 459
Township: Kirtland
2 1820 US Census (Kirtland, Geauga County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Erastus W. Crary (age 26-45, b. 1774-1794), wife Rebecca [Dunwell] (age 16-26, 1794-1804), and children: two sons (age <10, b. 1810-1820) [Erastus and Henry] and three daughters (age <10, b. 1810-1820) [Polly, Almeda and Stella], living in Kirtland, Ohio. Also in the household is one female (age 45+, b. bef. 1774), who may be Rebecca's mother or some other relative.
3 1830 US Census (Kirtland, Geaugua County, Ohio). Repository: Ancestry. Surety: 4. Lists Erastus Crary (age 40-49, b. 1780-1789) and wife [Rebecca Dunwell] (age 40-49, b. 1780-1789), and children: 2 sons (age 10-15, b. 1814-1819) [Erastus William and Henry Dunwell], 2 sons (age <5, b. 1825-1830) [Alfred and Addison], 2 daughters (age 15-19, b. 1810-1814) [Polly Mary and Almeda Martha], 1 daughter (age 10-15, b. 1814-1819) [Stella], and 2 daughters (age 5-10, b. 1819-1824) [Maria R. and Nancy Elvira], living in Kirtland, Ohio. Living two houses away are Erastus' parents, Christopher and Mary Crary. Also living nearby is Henry Dunwell (age 30-39, b. 1790-1799), who is likely the brother of Rebecca.
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